Index consultations
Euronext Indices is committed to provide indices that respond to the best of its abilty to the needs of all stakeholders of its indices. In order to achieve this and in response to developments on the markets frequent feedback is sought among the known users of the indices. For major changes Euronext Indices will launch consultations from time to time via this page.
Each consultation will be open for at least 3 weeks.
A summary of the comments received will be published within 3 weeks after the consultation is closed. In principle the comments will be made public anonymously, indicating only the nature of person or institution providing the comment.
Taking into account the feedback received in the consultation, the Administrator will formulate a proposal for a rule change to the appropriate oversight committee for approval. As a rule such decision will be taken within 3 months after the decision.
AEX Family update of number of consituents proposal
Euronext would like to consult on proposed changes to the methodology of the AEX Index Family.
To better reflect the market structure of Euronext Amsterdam and to enhance the diversification of the AEX index it is proposed to amend the methodology of the Index family in terms of number of constituents. Additionally, it is proposed to apply the 15 % capping at each quarterly review rather than applying the 15% capping when a Company’s weight would represent over 18% of the Index on the Review Weighting Announcement Date. Furthermore, to better account for fragmentation of trading in equity securities in Europe it is proposed to update the Liquidity analysis of the Index Family to be less strict.
Changes to the index will cover the following topics:
- Number of constituents in each of indices in the Index Family
- Changes to the liquidity screening criteria
- Changes to the eligibility screening criteria
- Changes to the frequency of the capping factor
- 29/11/2019
summary consultation PSI ff velocity threshold.pdf
summary consultation PSI ff velocity threshold