Euronext Markets Live

National indices

AEX 926.65 +0.16 %
BEL 20 4,347.40 +0.23 %
CAC 40 7,994.53 -0.16 %
ISEQ 20 1,736.09 +0.13 %
PSI 6,525.08 -0.14 %
OSEBX 1,486.70 -0.84 %
MIB ESG 1,616.26 -0.09 %

European indices

EURONEXT 100 1,555.82 +0.06 %
CLIMATE EUROPE 2,060.57 -0.12 %
LOW CARBON 100 168.42 -0.31 %
NEXT BIOTECH 3,175.43 -0.30 %
ESG 80 2,172.37 -0.07 %
REITSMARKET 1,307.05 +0.63 %

Currency rates

EUR / USD 1.03733 -0.11 %
EUR / GBP 0.83354 -0.20 %
EUR / NOK 11.62162 -0.32 %
EUR / JPY 157.481 +0.12 %
EUR / CHF 0.94262 +0.31 %
GBP / USD 1.24467 +0.12 %
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Integrated Wind Solutions transfers to Euronext Oslo Børs

IPO info & market prices
Educational programme on derivatives trading

Educational programme on derivatives trading

Euronext launched an educational programme for individual investors in collaboration with key market players.

As part of this initiative, Euronext has been organising a series of informative webinars, featuring expert speakers from the industry. These webinars cover a range of topics, from the basics of options trading to advanced strategies, offering practical insights and tools for investors. 

Stock basics - What is a stock?

Stock basics - What is a stock?

Investing in stocks is an established way to build up savings and achieve financial goals. However, for beginners, the stock market can seem daunting. This article is the first in a series that provides a step-by-step guide on how to invest in stocks, covering essential concepts, strategies and tips to help you get started.

Beware of fake Euronext profiles on social media


Beware of fake Euronext profiles on social media

Euronext is committed to ensuring transparency and integrity in financial markets. Recently, we have noticed an increase in fake profiles using our name to lure investors, promising easy gains or offering trading services via social networks. 


Our product offering includes Equities,  Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. 

Most active stocks

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Main indices
BEL 20
PSI 20
CAC 40

Most active stock derivatives

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Most active Index Derivatives

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Taking part in sustainable finance should be accessible to all
My ESG profile

ESG Profiles

Over 60,000 ESG data points available

Euronext provides a comprehensive set of ESG performance indicators for 1,900 listed companies.
You will find ESG information for listed companies in a dedicated tab on the instrument/quote pages.

ESG | Our Environment

Empowering Sustainable Growth

Euronext connects local economies to global markets, accelerating innovation and growth, for the transition to a more sustainable economy.

ESG Indices

National ESG Indices

To continue supporting the growing demand for investment solutions with sustainable objectives, we are proud to provide ESG versions of our flagship national indices, starting with the CAC 40 ESG, MIB ESG, AEX ESG and OBX ESG.