Laden.... Wacht alsjeblieft even.

Generieke informatie

Instrument Type Warrants/Certificaten
Uitgevende instelling BNP PARIBAS ISSUANCE B.V.
Product Cash Collect
Strategie Bullish
EUSIPA Code 1230
EUSIPA Name Barrier Reverse Convertibles
Country of Distribution Italië
Settlement Type Cash
Datum uitgegeven 08/05/2024
Total Number of Instruments 500
Expiry Date 21/12/2026
Exercise Type European
Issue Price 1000.0
Central Security Depository Unknown CSD
Professional Product Nee
In Scope of US871m Ja

Key information documents

Italië IT

Trading information

Markt EuroTLX
Handelsgroep NB
Market Model Request for Execution
Trading in Aantal units
Tick size Index 74
Handelstype Continuous
Opening Time 09:05 CET
Closing Time 17:30 CET
Euronext Code NSCIT7578890
ISIN Code XS2757889295
Mnemonic B88929
First Trading Date 08/05/2024
Delisting Date 16/12/2026
Handelseenheid 1
Knock-In By Issuer NA
Closing Price type Last Traded Price (LTP)

Pricing parameters

Leverage n.v.t.
1st Strike Price 25.28

Underlying information

ISIN Code FR0000130809
Trading Place MUL
Underlying Group Société Générale
Country of Origin Frankrijk
Underlying Type Stocks

Classification Financial Instrument

D = Debt Instruments
E = Structured instruments (without capital protection)
M = Andere (diverse)
Y = No payments
M = Andere (diverse)