Euronext Milan
IT0003128367 - Stock

Last traded price
03/14/2025 - 17:37  CET
Sinds open
+0,021 (+0,30%)
Sinds vorige Sluiting
+0,044 (+0,63%)
Valuation Close
03/14/2025 - 17:45  CET
Beste biedprijs 6,97
Beste vraagprijs 7,04
03/14/2025 - 17:40  CET


Indicator Unit 2023 2022 2021
Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Million tons 35 53 52
Scope 2 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Million tons 3 4 4
Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Million tons 38 57 56
Scope 3 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Million tons 57 71 71
Total GHG emissions (CO2 eq) Million tons 94 128 127
Carbon footprint (total GHG emissions / enterprise value) Ton / Million (EUR) 601,85 829,47
GHG intensity (total GHG emissions / revenue) Ton / Million (EUR) 1 015,48 942,99 1 509,6
Total energy consumption terajoule 817 421 1 119 689 1 123 180
Energy intensity (total energy consumption / revenue) MWh / Million (EUR) 2 444,62 2 292,8 3 705,93
Hazardous waste Ton 68 704 55 940 64 365
Ratio of non-recycled waste % 26,7 15,6 14,7
Total water consumption cubic meter 35 400 000 45 200 000 43 800 000
Water consumption ratio (Volume / Revenue) cubic meter / Million (EUR) 381,13 333,2 520,26


Indicator Unit 2023 2022 2021
Headcount at year-end unit 61 055 65 124 66 279
Average annual headcount unit 64 396 66 476 65 976
Share of women in total workforce % 22,7 23,4 22,5
Share of women in management bodies % 26,2 24,9 23,6
Gender pay gap % 18,9
Rate of employees with disabilities % 3,3 3,2
Average training hours per employee unit 48,1 47,4 44,6
Board gender diversity (female board members / total board members) % 44,4 44,4 44,4
Number of board members unit 9 9 9
Number of female board members unit 4 4 4
Board independence rate % 88,9 88,9 88,9


Indicator Unit 2023 2022 2021
Annual revenue Million (EUR) 92 882 135 653 84 188
Enterprise value at fiscal year-end Million (EUR) 156 716 154 219
Taxonomy-eligible turnover % 37,9 29,3 69
Taxonomy-aligned turnover % 33,8 21,4 39,9
Taxonomy-eligible CapEx % 87,7 88,2 89,2
Taxonomy-aligned Capex % 84,8 81,9 84,6
Taxonomy-eligible OpEx % 76,1 79,7 68,9
Taxonomy-aligned OpEx % 68,4 66,9 64,6


The data below has been sourced from the Science Based Target initiative’s open source data on commitments and targets.
The "SBTi Action" indicator distinguishes between data related to commitments (organisational pledges to develop and submit science-based target to the SBTi for validation within 24 months) and targets (science-based targets validated by the SBTi).
SBTi Status Target