Generieke informatie

Soort Stock
Sub type Ordinary Shares
Markt Euronext Paris
ISIN Code FR0000064271
Euronext Code FR0000064271

Classification Financial Instrument

E = Aandelen
S = Gewone/gewone aandelen
V = Voting
U = Free
F = Fully paid
N = Bearer/Registered


Bedrijfssector 50, Industrials
SuperSector 5020, Industrial Goods and Services
Sector 502060, Industrial Transportation
Subsector 50206010, Trucking

Trading Information

Valuta EUR
Prijsvermenigvuldiger 1
Hoeveelheidsnotatie Aantal units
Toegelaten aandelen 12 850 000
Nominal value 1,00
Handelsgroep 11
Soort Continuous
Tick size Index 22
Closing Price type Last Traded Price (LTP)

Trading Information

Personal equity saving plan : Eligible to PEA

Deferred Settlement Service : Instrument eligible for the SRD and for the Loan and Lending Market

Compartment A (Large Cap)

Closing Price type Last Traded Price (LTP)