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- Euronext Oslo Børs – Bergen Commune - Received Application For Listing of Bonds
Euronext Oslo Børs – Bergen commune - Received application for listing of bonds
24 Jan 2025 11:05 CET
Bergen Kommune
Oslo Børs has received an application for ISIN NO0013466706 to be admitted to
stock exchange listing.
The Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) applies from the time the application has been
made, including the issuer’s disclosure obligation on inside information.
More information:
Access the news on Oslo Bors NewsWeb site
Bergen Kommune
Oslo Børs Newspoint
Company Name
Bergen komm 22/25 FRN, Bergen komm 22/26 FRN, Bergen komm 22/27 3.68pct, Bergen komm 23/28 3,52pct, Bergen komm 23/25 3,699%, Bergen komm 23/25 FRN, Bergen komm 23/25 4,77%, Bergen komm 23/26 4,685%, Bergen komm 24/26 FRN, Bergen komm 24/27 3,885%, Bergen komm 24/27 3,864%, Bergen komm 24/27 FRN
NO0012436288, NO0012550138, NO0012550146, NO0012781907, NO0012816844, NO0012877374, NO0012947458, NO0013066910, NO0013073627, NO0013197665, NO0013220830, NO0013260950, NO0013334086, NO0013350470, NO0013388439, NO0013420059
Oslo Børs