Euronext Sustainable Network
The mission of the Euronext Sustainable Network is to create an integrated ecosystem for European Capital Markets to foster the development of Sustainable Finance solutions. Together with a selected group of members, Euronext promotes an innovative culture of Sustainable Finance, supports Euronext’s 1,800 European issuers and 6,000 international investors, and drives innovation in ESG. The Network also aims to align efforts across stakeholders and educate members on ESG topics, regulations, and trends, leveraging collective expertise to advance Sustainable Finance.
Meet our partners
The Euronext Sustainable Network is made up of Sustainable Finance experts from diverse fields, including auditors, consultancy firms, lawyers, banks, and investors. Their main objective is to offer Euronext’s community valuable and innovative insights. This section showcases all Network members and their specific areas of expertise.
Partner news publications
The Euronext Sustainable Network hosts a variety of events throughout the year, addressing a wide array of Sustainable Finance topics relevant to listed companies and investors. Additionally, Network members publish innovative content on trending Sustainable Finance subjects every month.
If you wish to apply for the network and for further information, contact us at

Sustainable partners news
Latest Forum news
Omnibus proposal, transition finance, and other…
Forum per la Finanza SostenibileUpdates regarding the potential release of an Omnibus package. Reports on transition finance publishedSeveral policy updates have emerged regarding…
#Italian Sustainable Investment Forum