25 Sep 2024 10:00 CEST



For several years, Boliden and Komatsu have collaborated on the electrification
and automation of mining trucks in the open pit copper mine Aitik. Now the
collaboration is further deepened with a world premiere of a mining truck that
can be converted to battery technology.

In Aitik, electrified trolley systems have, separate from this cooperation, been
implemented with the aim of reducing diesel consumption and 17 mining trucks
have been converted to self-driving in an autonomous haulage system (AHS). In
connection with the world's largest expo for mining equipment, MINEXPO in Las
Vegas, Boliden and Komatsu presented the next step in the development towards
fossil-free mining. As the first operation in the world, a mining truck from
Komatsu, with the option to convert to battery operation, will be introduced in
Aitik. This as a result of a collaborative project where the mining truck is
tested in a production environment with the aim of further developing technology
and implementation possibilities.

"We have taken and continue to take important steps in the development towards a
mining operation with high productivity combined with low climate impact. I am
extremely proud that we are still a frontrunner in this development and thereby
being a global role model in the industry", says Stefan Romedahl, President,
Business Area Mines.

The mining truck now presented by Komatsu is called the Power Agnostic 930E and,
as the name suggests, it can be converted from diesel to various types of fossil
-free power sources.

For further information, please contact:
Klas Nilsson
Director Group Communications
+46 70 453 65 88

Metals for generations to come

Boliden's vision is to be the most climate-friendly and respected metal provider
in the world. We are Europe's producer of sustainable metals and, guided by our
values care, courage and responsibility, we operate within exploration, mines,
smelters and recycling. We are around 6,000 employees and have annual revenues
of approximately SEK 80 billion. The share is listed in the Large Cap segment of
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.




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