23 Sep 2024 21:02 CEST


Schibsted ASA

23.9.2024 21:02:17 CEST | Schibsted | Acquisition or disposal of the issuer's
own shares

Please see below information about transactions made under the buyback programme
announced on 9 September 2024.

Date on which the repurchase programme was announced: 9 September 2024

The duration of the repurchase programme: The buyback programme is planned to be
finalised within 2 May 2025.

Size of the repurchase programme: The purchases will be split 50/50 in nominal
terms between A and B shares, buying up to NOK 1 billion for each of the share

For the period 17 September until 23 September 2024, Schibsted has purchased a
total of 115,000 own A-shares at an average price of NOK 329.0764 per share, and
a total of 124,000 own B-shares at an average price of NOK 311.0134 per share.


Date | Trading Venue | Aggregated | Weighted | Total daily
| | daily volume | average share | transaction
| | (number of | price per day | value (NOK)
| | shares) | (NOK) |
17 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 18,825 | 322.3673 | 6,068,564
| CBOE | 6,712 | 324.0074 | 2,174,738
| Aquis | 1,256 | 322.2264 | 404,716
| Turquoise | 1,207 | 323.3965 | 390,340
18 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 18,586 | 321.5931 | 5,977,129
| CBOE | 6,820 | 321.4987 | 2,192,621
| Aquis | 1,279 | 321.7670 | 411,540
| Turquoise | 1,315 | 322.9319 | 424,655
19 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 14,153 | 330.5878 | 4,678,809
| CBOE | 4,988 | 330.7323 | 1,649,693
| Aquis | 1,351 | 329.4776 | 445,124
| Turquoise | 1,508 | 328.9423 | 496,045
20 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 13,702 | 337.8697 | 4,629,491
| CBOE | 3,631 | 338.3874 | 1,228,685
| Aquis | 455 | 337.5007 | 153,563
| Turquoise | 1,212 | 337.6736 | 409,260
23 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 10,441 | 339.1451 | 3,541,014
| CBOE | 4,937 | 339.8877 | 1,678,026
| Aquis | 1,111 | 339.4720 | 377,153
| Turquoise | 1,511 | 339.2552 | 512,615
Total for | Oslo Børs | 75,707 | 328.8336 | 24,895,008
period | | | |
| CBOE | 27,088 | 329.4360 | 8,923,762
| Aquis | 5,452 | 328.7045 | 1,792,097
| Turquoise | 6,753 | 330.6553 | 2,232,915
| Total | 115,000 | 329.0764 | 37,843,781
Previously | Oslo Børs | 109,663 | 326.9784 | 35,857,436
disclosed | | | |
| CBOE | 35,440 | 327.3355 | 11,600,770
| Aquis | 5,334 | 327.7339 | 1,748,132
| Turquoise | 6,563 | 328.3720 | 2,155,105
| Total | 157,000 | 327.1430 | 51,361,444
Total for | Oslo Børs | 185,370 | 327.7361 | 60,752,443
programme | | | |
| CBOE | 62,528 | 328.2455 | 20,524,532
| Aquis | 10,786 | 328.2245 | 3,540,229
| Turquoise | 13,316 | 329.5299 | 4,388,020
| Total | 272,000 | 327.9604 | 89,205,225


Date | Trading Venue | Aggregated | Weighted | Total daily
| | daily volume | average share | transaction
| | (number of | price per day | value (NOK)
| | shares) | (NOK) |
17 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 21,631 | 305.2634 | 6,603,153
| CBOE | 5,899 | 306.1200 | 1,805,802
| Aquis | 1,385 | 306.9034 | 425,061
| Turquoise | 1,085 | 307.2236 | 333,338
18 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 21,151 | 304.8371 | 6,447,610
| CBOE | 6,284 | 304.5084 | 1,913,531
| Aquis | 1,544 | 305.3399 | 471,445
| Turquoise | 1,021 | 305.7289 | 312,149
19 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 17,169 | 311.7500 | 5,352,436
| CBOE | 5,456 | 312.7979 | 1,706,625
| Aquis | 588 | 310.5088 | 182,579
| Turquoise | 787 | 310.4224 | 244,302
20 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 15,597 | 318.9834 | 4,975,184
| CBOE | 4,485 | 319.9327 | 1,434,898
| Aquis | 6 | 319.8000 | 1,919
| Turquoise | 912 | 319.5991 | 291,474
23 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 17,572 | 319.1250 | 5,607,665
| CBOE | 262 | 319.4038 | 83,684
| Aquis | 334 | 319.7281 | 106,789
| Turquoise | 832 | 319.7406 | 266,024
Total for | Oslo Børs | 93,120 | 311.2763 | 28,986,046
period | | | |
| CBOE | 22,386 | 310.2180 | 6,944,540
| Aquis | 3,857 | 307.9578 | 1,187,793
| Turquoise | 4,637 | 312.1173 | 1,447,288
| Total | 124,000 | 311.0134 | 38,565,667
Previously | Oslo Børs | 123,491 | 308.5591 | 38,104,273
disclosed | | | |
| CBOE | 32,596 | 308.4971 | 10,055,771
| Aquis | 7,336 | 309.6282 | 2,271,433
| Turquoise | 5,577 | 309.1404 | 1,724,076
| Total | 169,000 | 308.6127 | 52,155,553
Total for | Oslo Børs | 216,611 | 309.7272 | 67,090,320
programme | | | |
| CBOE | 54,982 | 309.1978 | 17,000,311
| Aquis | 11,193 | 309.0526 | 3,459,226
| Turquoise | 10,214 | 310.4918 | 3,171,364
| Total | 293,000 | 309.6287 | 90,721,220

Following the transactions above, Schibsted has bought back a total of 565,000
shares with a transaction value of approx. NOK 179,926,445 under the buyback

The issuer's holding of own shares:

Following the completion of the above transactions, Schibsted owns a total of
272,000 own A-shares, and a total of 704,713 own B-shares, corresponding to
0.42% of total issued shares in Schibsted.


A detailed overview of all transactions made under the buyback programme that
have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is attached to this
notice and available at www.newsweb.no - https://www.newsweb.no.

Oslo, 23 September 2024



This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


* Malin Ebenfelt, Investor Relations Officer, +47 916 86 710, ir@schibsted.com


Download announcement as PDF.pdf -

20240923 SCHA Trade Details.pdf -

20240923 SCHB Trade Details.pdf -

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628359_20240923 SCHB Trade Details.pdf


Schibsted ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

SCHIBSTED SER. A, SCHIBSTED SER. B, Schibsted ASA 23/28 FRN, Schibsted ASA 23/30 4,85%


NO0003028904, NO0010736879, NO0012911306, NO0012911231




Oslo Børs