28 May 2024 08:15 CEST


Lokotech Group AS

With reference to stock market announcements dated 12.03.2024 and 30.01.2024

Lokotech Group AS has today entered into the Sale-and-Purchase Agreement (“SPA”)
for 66,65% of the shares of the newly established Powerpool Mining SL, and with
it the final transaction agreement encompassing transactional details beyond the

The transaction remain with regards to all material matters the same as
previously communicated. The first tranche of the cash portion will be settled
today, and the increase in share capital in Lokotech Group AS has started due
legal processing. When the share capital increase has been registered in the
Norwegian Registry of Enterprises, we will update the market.

The lock-up period for the share consideration in Lokotech Group AS will
commence today:

1,554,915 shares issued at 1.8 NOK/share with 3 months lock-up

1,243,932 shares issued at 1.8 NOK/share with 6 months lock-up

Totaling approximately 1.59% of total shares outstanding after dilution.

Immediately following the transaction of shares in Powerpool Mining SL, the
board of Powerpool Mining SL has decided to declare a dividend of excess
liquidity earned since the previously communicated day of retaining profits,
13th of March 2024, totaling approximately 90.000 Euros to its shareholders.
This marks the start of cash flow from Powerpool Mining SL to Lokotech Group
AS. The dividend program for the rest of the year will be declared and announced
by end of Q2 2024.

For more information, contact us at post@lokotech.no

This information is mandatory in accordance with Section 5-12 of the Norwegian
Securities Trading Act.


Lokotech Group AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Euronext Growth