As a financial infrastructure provider, Euronext is at the centre of financial markets and communities, and has a very wide range of stakeholders. We are committed to improving financial knowledge, skills and attitudes far beyond our own organisation, seeking to reach individual investors, as well as teachers, students, and other members of the general public in the countries where we operate and beyond.
Euronext Academy
Our Euronext Academy provides public courses, sponsored seminars and bespoke training programms for both investors and market professionals. You can join an online training session and learn more about a wide range of topics including Financial markets and instruments, Corporate finance and Market regulation but also specific topics like MiFID II. Visit the academy for more information.
Retail partners
We partner with brokers to train investors all over Europe. Please visit our retail partner programm section to learn more about this initiative. find educational content and see when and where the next events take place.
Academy interprets the evolution of the international financial markets and turns capital markets expertise into training programmes.
January courses
Virtual Classroom, 22 January 2025
Enhancing Digital Resilience: Governance and Management Insights Under DORA
Virtual Classroom, 30 January 2025
February courses
On site in Copenhagen, 26 and 27 February 2025
Educational articles
We regularly publish articles explaining the basics of investing, investment products an how Euronext operates. We grouped these articles in topics that are linked below. Each link will reveal individual articles and series of articles that will help you better understand the financial market and the products traded on them.
Documento com informação-chave (Key Information Document – KID)
Um KID permite aos investidores particulares comparar as principais características, riscos, vantagens e custos dos diferentes produtos de investimentos.
A Euronext disponibiliza KID para seis categorias de produtos: derivados sobre ações, derivados sobre dividendos, opções ETF, derivados sobre índices, derivados sobre moedas estrangeiras e derivados sobre mercadorias. Os nossos KID são disponibilizados aos nossos brokers mas também são disponibilizados neste portal nas páginas dos instrumentos financeiros mencionados.