For customers [1] who conduct business away from the central market but still want the benefits of Corporate Actions expertise in accordance with the Euronext's Corporate Actions Policy, we offer CAS, our Corporate Action Services.

Euronext's Corporate Action Services allows for customers to file a request for customised guidance on corporate action adjustments for derivative positions, held in Euronext listed products. Even if a customer has no direct position traded on one of the Euronext platforms, the customer is able to benefit from the Corporate Action expertise Euronext has to offer. [2]

How to submit a request

In the event that your (OTC) position is subject to a Corporate Action and you would like to take advantage of this bespoke service, please follow the link below to file a CAS request. After submission of the CAS request form, Euronext will assess the request based on the Corporate Actions Policy, and will respond to the applicant as soon as practical. If required, Euronext will ask for additional information.

Corporate Action Services Fees

There are three fee-categories for Corporate Actions Services:

(starting fee €75.00)(starting fee €150.00)(starting fee €225.00)
Special DividendDemergerFair Value Takeover
Bonus IssueRights Issue/Open Offer SharesFair Value Delisting
Share Split/ConsolidationShare Split/ Consolidation in FractionsRatio Takeover/Demerger
  Rights Issues/Open Offers Special
  Special Circumstances

Please note; in case the Corporate Action is non-standard and requires further investigation, Euronext may charge a customised fee in consultation with the customer.

Contact Information

Euronext - EMS Derivatives Corporate Actions

Corporate Action Team
PO Box 19163
1000 GD Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 20 721 9588 sends email)