Commodity Derivatives

  Código Vencimento Último +/- Vol Abrir Alta Baixa Settl OI TOT VOL TOT OI
Corn / Mais EMA Jun-25 211,00 -1,00 2 216 211,75 212,25 210,00 211,25 21 231 3 186 31 648
European Durum Wheat Futures EDW Mar-25 - - - - - - 319,00 - - 4
European Salmon Futures ESF Apr-25 - - - - - - 7 150,00 1 780 - 21 250
Milling Wheat / Ble de Meunerie EBM May-25 218,50 0,25 68 983 217,25 218,75 215,00 218,75 282 877 164 427 562 781
Rapeseed / Colza ECO May-25 525,25 4,25 10 471 523,75 528,00 521,25 525,50 36 267 21 772 131 213
GRAND TOTAL 189 385 746 896

Commodity contracts


Commodity Futures



Commodity Options


Commodities Reporting General

Weekly position report
26/03/2025 EBM
26/03/2025 ECO
26/03/2025 EMA
Euronext Commodity broker list

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