Displaying 101 - 150 of 189 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
27 Jul 2023
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité au 30 juin 2023 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
27 Jul 2023
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Half-year statement of the liquidity contract as of June 30, 2023 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
25 Jul 2023
18:49 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Approval of the annual accounts 2022-2023 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
25 Jul 2023
18:49 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Approbation des comptes annuels 2022-2023 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
20 Jul 2023
18:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi receives a grant of 1 million euros as part of the 'France 2030' plan. 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
20 Jul 2023
18:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi obtient une subvention de 1 M€ dans le cadre du plan « France 2030 » 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
18 Jul 2023
19:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi finalise la cession de sa branche « distribution » Une situation financière renforcée pour 2CRSi 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
29 Jun 2023
19:09 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2022/23 Estimated consolidated annual results 10101010 Computer Services Income
29 Jun 2023
19:09 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Résultats annuels consolidés 2022/23, estimés 10101010 Computer Services Income
16 Jun 2023
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Le Groupe 2CRSi cède sa branche « distribution », et se concentre sur son activité de fabrication informatique 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
16 Jun 2023
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: The 2CRSi Group is selling its 'distribution' division to focus on its IT manufacturing activity. 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
10 May 2023
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Signature d’un contrat d’étude avec Thales Alenia Space 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
10 May 2023
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Study contract signed with Thales Alenia Space 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
02 May 2023
18:00 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Chiffre d’affaires 2022/2023 : 184 M€ 10101010 Computer Services Income
02 May 2023
18:00 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2022/2023 revenue: €184m 10101010 Computer Services Income
01 Feb 2023
07:30 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi and CGG Join Forces to Launch State-of-the-Art HPC-as-a-Service offering 10101010 Computer Services Corporate life
01 Feb 2023
07:30 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi et CGG lancent une offre commune de HPC-as-a-Service 10101010 Computer Services Corporate life
24 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Sogitec – 2CRSi : des années de collaborations marquées par un partenariat renforcé en 2023 - News contracts
24 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Sogitec – 2CRSi: years of collaboration marked by a strengthened partnership in 2023 - News contracts
17 Jan 2023
17:55 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité au 31 décembre 2022 10101010 Computer Services Share history
17 Jan 2023
17:55 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Half-year statement of the liquidity contract as of December 31, 2022 10101010 Computer Services Share history
29 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi STRENGTHENS ITS CASH FLOW 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
29 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
2CRSI Correction d’un communiqué du 28.12.2022 18:14 CET/CEST - 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi RENFORCE SA TRÉSORERIE 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
28 Dec 2022
18:14 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi RENFORCE SA TRÉSORERIE 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
20 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Le groupe 2CRSi signe un contrat de 14,8 millions d’euros 10101010 Computer Services News contracts
20 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi awarded a new 3-year €14,8 million contract 10101010 Computer Services News contracts
29 Nov 2022
20:32 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Résultats du 1er semestre 2022/23 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
29 Nov 2022
20:32 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: First-half results for fiscal year 2022/23 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
25 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Transfert effectif des titres 2CRSi sur Euronext Growth® Paris et radiation de leur cotation sur le marché réglementé d’Euronext Paris 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
25 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Effective transfer of 2CRSi shares to Euronext Growth® Paris and delisting from the regulated market Euronext Paris 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction
07 Nov 2022
20:44 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Mission 2027: availability of 2CRSi’s new strategic plan presentation   10101010 Computer Services Other subject
07 Nov 2022
20:44 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Mission 2027 : mise à disposition de la présentation du nouveau plan stratégique de 2CRSi 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
07 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Mission 2027 : notre plan stratégique pour devenir un acteur de premier plan du marché mondial des serveurs 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
07 Nov 2022
08:00 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Mission 2027: our new strategic plan 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
20 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: First half-year 2022/23 consolidated revenue: €95.7m 10101010 Computer Services Sales
20 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA:   Chiffre d’affaires consolidé du 1er semestre 2022/23 : 95,7 M€ 10101010 Computer Services Sales
19 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi chosen by a major European defence firm for its new HPC cluster 10101010 Computer Services News contracts
19 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi sélectionné par un acteur majeur de la Défense Européenne pour leur nouveau Cluster HPC 10101010 Computer Services News contracts
17 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi, Clever Cloud, Kalray et Vates s’unissent pour équiper les data centers de matériels souverains et innovants 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
17 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi, Clever Cloud, Kalray and Vates join forces for Sovereign and Innovative Data Center Equipment 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
06 Oct 2022
19:34 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi & Lamplighter Energy signent un Contrat d’Energie de long terme (PPA) pour le stockage et la production d’énergie renouvelable afin d’alimenter des data centers aux USA 10101010 Computer Services News contracts
06 Oct 2022
19:34 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi & Lamplighter Energy Sign Agreement for Renewable Energy & Storage to Power Data Centers in the USA 10101010 Computer Services News contracts
28 Sep 2022
18:25 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi sélectionné par l’UE et la France pour des projets de souveraineté numérique   10101010 Computer Services Corporate life
02 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Approbation du projet de transfert sur Euronext Growth® Paris 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
02 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Approval of transfer of shares to Euronext Growth® Paris 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
30 Aug 2022
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Availability of the 2021/22 Universal Registration Document 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
30 Aug 2022
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Mise à disposition du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2021/22 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
25 Aug 2022
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Assemblée générale mixte du 31 août 2022 Modalités de mise à disposition des documents préparatoires 10101010 Computer Services General meeting / Board Meeting
09 Aug 2022
17:49 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Mise à disposition du rapport financier annuel 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
09 Aug 2022
17:49 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Availability of the annual financial report 10101010 Computer Services Other subject