Displaying 51 - 100 of 196 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
07 Nov 2023
19:32 CET
MAREL Marel: Manager's transaction 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other financial transaction
07 Nov 2023
19:32 CET
MAREL Marel: Viðskipti stjórnanda 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other financial transaction
07 Nov 2023
19:29 CET
MAREL Marel: Árni Sigurðsson nýr forstjóri Marel 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
07 Nov 2023
19:29 CET
MAREL Marel: Arni Sigurdsson appointed Interim CEO of Marel 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
24 Oct 2023
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q3 2023 Investor Meeting Presentation 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
24 Oct 2023
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel: 3F 2023 Fjárfestakynning 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
23 Oct 2023
19:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Sterkt sjóðstreymi og betri kostnaðarþekja, EBIT framlegð 9% 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Polls / Surveys
23 Oct 2023
19:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Strong cash generation and price/cost improving, EBIT of 9% 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Polls / Surveys
16 Oct 2023
17:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Uppgjör þriðja ársfjórðungs birt 23. október, afkomufundur í streymi 24. október 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
16 Oct 2023
17:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q3 2023 results published on 23 October, virtual investor meeting on 24 October 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
27 Jul 2023
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel hf. birti árshlutauppgjör fyrir annan ársfjórðung 2023 eftir lokun markaða þann 26. júlí 2023. 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
27 Jul 2023
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q2 2023 Investor Meeting Presentation 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
26 Jul 2023
18:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Mótteknar pantanir námu 407 milljónum evra, betri markaðshorfur 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
26 Jul 2023
18:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Orders received of EUR 407 million, market outlook improving 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
19 Jul 2023
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q2 2023 results published on 26 July, virtual investor meeting on 27 July 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
19 Jul 2023
14:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Uppgjör annars ársfjórðungs birt 26. júlí, afkomufundur í streymi 27. júlí 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
17 Jul 2023
22:45 CEST
MAREL Marel: Extension to EUR 700 million financing secured and a new EUR 150 million term loan signed 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
17 Jul 2023
22:45 CEST
MAREL Marel: 700 milljón evra lánalína framlengd og nýtt 150 milljón evra sambankalán undirritað 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
04 May 2023
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q1 2023 Investor Meeting Presentation 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
04 May 2023
10:15 CEST
MAREL Marel: 1F 2023 Fjárfestakynning 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
03 May 2023
18:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Revenues up 20.4%, firm commitment to 14-16% EBIT in 4Q23 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
03 May 2023
18:30 CEST
MAREL Marel: Tekjuvöxtur á milli ára 20,4%, skýrt markmið um 14-16% EBIT framlegð á fjórða ársfjórðungi 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
26 Apr 2023
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Q1 2023 results published on 3 May, investor meeting on 4 May 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
26 Apr 2023
14:00 CEST
MAREL Marel: Uppgjör fyrsta ársfjórðungs birt 3. maí, afkomufundur 4. maí 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
22 Mar 2023
21:00 CET
MAREL Marel: Results of the AGM 22 March 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
22 Mar 2023
21:00 CET
MAREL Marel: Niðurstöður aðalfundar 22. mars 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
22 Mar 2023
16:47 CET
MAREL Marel: Ársskýrsla 2022 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
22 Mar 2023
16:45 CET
MAREL Marel: 2022 Annual Report 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
08 Mar 2023
21:00 CET
MAREL Marel: Framboð til stjórnar, endanleg dagskrá og tillögur til aðalfundar 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
08 Mar 2023
21:00 CET
MAREL Director candidates, final agenda and proposals to the Annual General Meeting 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
16 Feb 2023
21:30 CET
MAREL Marel: Granting of stock options 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
16 Feb 2023
21:30 CET
MAREL Marel: Úthlutun kauprétta 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
16 Feb 2023
19:20 CET
MAREL Marel: Annual General Meeting 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
16 Feb 2023
19:20 CET
MAREL Marel: Aðalfundur 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
15 Feb 2023
19:30 CET
MAREL Marel: Managers' transactions 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
15 Feb 2023
19:30 CET
MAREL Marel: Viðskipti stjórnenda 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
08 Feb 2023
17:30 CET
MAREL Marel: Ramp up of revenues and improved EBIT of 12.4% 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
08 Feb 2023
17:30 CET
MAREL Góður tekjuvöxtur og 12,4% EBIT framlegð á fjórða ársfjórðungi 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
25 Jan 2023
16:30 CET
MAREL Marel: 2022 results published on 8 February, investor meeting on 9 February 2023 - Other subject
25 Jan 2023
16:30 CET
MAREL Ársuppgjör 2022 birt 8. febrúar, afkomufundur 9. febrúar 2023 - Other subject
27 Dec 2022
17:15 CET
MAREL Marel: Manager's transaction 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
27 Dec 2022
17:15 CET
MAREL Marel: Viðskipti stjórnanda 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
14 Dec 2022
16:30 CET
MAREL Marel: Financial calendar 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
14 Dec 2022
16:30 CET
MAREL Marel: Fjárhagsdagatal 2023 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
03 Nov 2022
09:15 CET
MAREL Marel: 3F 2022 Fjárfestakynning 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
03 Nov 2022
09:15 CET
MAREL Marel: Q3 2022 Investor Meeting Presentation 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
02 Nov 2022
23:49 CET
MAREL Marel: Major shareholder announcement - Eyrir Invest 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
02 Nov 2022
23:49 CET
MAREL Marel: Flöggun - Eyrir Invest 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
02 Nov 2022
20:17 CET
MAREL Marel: New USD 300 million term loan 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject
02 Nov 2022
20:17 CET
MAREL Marel: Nýtt 300 milljón dollara sambankalán undirritað 50204050 Machinery: Specialty Other subject