Ticker CompanyUnsorted SurnameUnsorted First nameUnsorted Title Ascending PositionUnsorted
AKRBP Aker BP ASA Arif Talar SVP Ula
STRO StrongPoint ASA Stulpinas Julius SVP Technology
PEXIP Pexip Holding ASA Mortimer Ian SVP Technology
ELK06 ESG, ELK07 ESG, ELK05, ELK, ELK04, ELK03 Elkem ASA Moe Håvard SVP Technology
STRO StrongPoint ASA Rosén Magnus SVP Sweden
OKEA04, OKEA OKEA ASA Lundh Ida SVP Subsurface
STRO StrongPoint ASA Eveleigh Alex SVP StrongPoint ALS UK & Ireland
HEX Hexagon Composites ASA Siedlecki George SVP Strategy and M&A
PEXIP Pexip Holding ASA Hansen Helge SVP Strategy
AKRBP Aker BP ASA Mogstad Marte SVP Skarv
ELK06 ESG, ELK07 ESG, ELK05, ELK, ELK04, ELK03 Elkem ASA Grubben-Strømnes Inge SVP Silicon Products
ABS Arctic Bioscience AS Eidal Steffen SVP Sales and marketing
NOD, NOD01 Nordic Semiconductor ASA Bostrøm Ola SVP Quality
PEXIP Pexip Holding ASA Auseth Patricia SVP Purpose & Development
OKEA04, OKEA OKEA ASA Gjertsen Knut SVP Projects & Technology
AKRBP Aker BP ASA Sandvik Knut SVP Projects
AKRBP Aker BP ASA Blaasmo Marit SVP People and Safety
STRO StrongPoint ASA Olsen Knut Olav Nyhus SVP People & Organization
AKRBP Aker BP ASA Øvretveit Thomas SVP Operations