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General Information
Instrument Type | Warrants/Certificados |
Product | Express |
Strategy | Bullish |
EUSIPA Code | 1260 |
EUSIPA Name | Express Certificates |
Country of Distribution | Itália |
Settlement Type | Cash |
Data de emissão | 08/02/2024 |
Total Number of Instruments | 30000 |
Expiry Date | 15/02/2028 |
Exercise Type | European |
Preço de emissão | 100.0 |
Central Security Depository | Unknown CSD |
Professional Product | Não |
In Scope of US871m | Sim |
Trading information
Mercado | EuroTLX |
Grupo de Negociação | NN |
Market Model | Request for Execution |
Trading in | Número de unidades |
Tick size | Index 74 |
Tipo de negociação | Continuous |
Opening Time | 09:05 CET |
Closing Time | 17:30 CET |
Euronext Code | NSCIT2706629 |
ISIN Code | XS2706626764 |
Mnemonic | BA267A |
First Trading Date | 08/02/2024 |
Delisting Date | 10/02/2028 |
Lote de Negociação | 1 |
Knock-In By Issuer | NA |
Closing Price type | Last Traded Price (LTP) |
Pricing parameters
Leverage | N/D |
Classificação Instrumento financeiro
D = Debt Instruments |
E = Structured instruments (without capital protection) |
M = Others (miscellaneous) |
Y = No payments |
M = Others (miscellaneous) |