Indices documents by family

Index Family Rules Factsheet Benchmark statement ESG Report
Euronext ESG Biodiversity Screened World
Euronext ESG Biodiversity Screened World USD
Euronext ESG Eurozone Biodiversity Leaders PAB
Euronext ESG Eurozone Biodiversity Leaders PAB
Euronext ESG Eurozone Biodiversity Leaders PAB
Euronext Euro 50 ESG EW
Euronext Euro 50 Social Governance EW
Euronext Euro Large Cap Biodiversity Leaders 30
Euronext Europe 500
Euronext Europe Luxury
Euronext Europe Pioneers 50 ESG EW
Euronext Europe SBT 1.5
Euronext Europe Sustainable 100 EW
Euronext Eurozone 100 ESG
Euronext Eurozone 150 EW
Euronext Eurozone 300
Euronext Eurozone 40 EW
Euronext Eurozone 50
Euronext Eurozone 60 EW
Euronext Eurozone 60 PAB
Euronext Eurozone 60 PAB
Euronext Eurozone 70 EW
Euronext Eurozone 80 EW
Euronext Eurozone Banks
Euronext Eurozone Banks Dividend
Euronext Eurozone Diversity and Governance 40 EW
Euronext Eurozone Energy Transition Leaders 50 EW
Euronext Eurozone ESG Large 80
Euronext Eurozone ESG Leaders 40 EW
Euronext Eurozone ESG Leaders Select 40
Euronext Eurozone ESG Leaders Select 40 EW
Euronext Eurozone ESG Transition
Euronext Eurozone Focus 40 PAB
Euronext Eurozone Mid and Large 60 EW
Euronext Eurozone Next 100 EW
Euronext Eurozone PAB 50
Euronext Eurozone PAB 50
Euronext Eurozone SBT 1.5
Euronext Eurozone Screened Climate Ambition 35 EW
Euronext Eurozone Screened Climate Ambition 40 EW
Euronext Eurozone Select PAB 50
Euronext Eurozone Small Cap
Euronext Expand All-Share
Euronext EZ ESGL 40 EW
Euronext EZ Transatlantic
Euronext FAS IAS
Euronext Founding Members Europe 50 EW
Euronext France 20 EW
Euronext France 20-40 Challengers EW
Euronext France 40 Responsible Investment

EOD Index data

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