Renault SA - Stock Future

Euronext Derivatives Paris
Stock Future

Kontrakte 27/03/2025 07:00
Open Interest 27/03/2025 06:45

Stock Futures - Paris

 Stock Futures
Contract sizeOne future normally equals rights over 100 underlying shares. For Stock Futures on Italian shares and UK shares this is 1,000 underlying shares.[1]
Unit of trading100 at contract initiation  (Italian and UK Stock Futures 1,000) [1]
Pricing unit/quotationEUR/CHF/GBX/NOK/SEK/DKK per share
Minimum price movement (tick size and value)Central Order Book & Large-in-Scale Facility: EUR/CHF/NOK/SEK/DKK 0.0001 (EUR/CHF/NOK/SEK/DKK 0.01 per contract, for Italian SSFs EUR 0.10 per contract) GBX 0.01 (GBX 10 per contract)
Expiry months1, 2, 3 monthly and 6, 9, 12 months quarterly (of the March, June, September, December cycle); additional monthly maturities up to 12 or 13 months available for certain names.
Introduction of new expiry monthsNew expiry months are available for trading on the first business day after the expiry of a maturity.
Wholesale servicesLarge-in-Scale Facility.
See the “LIS Thresholds” document for the minimum size thresholds.
Euronext marketParis
Last trading dayTrading ceases at 17:40 CET on the third Friday of the delivery month. In the event that the third Friday is not a business day in the local cash market, the Last Trading Day shall normally be the last business day preceding the third Friday.
For Italian Stock Futures trading ceases at 17:40 CET on the business day before the third Friday of the delivery month. In the event that this Thursday is not a business day, the Last Trading Day shall normally be the last business day preceding this Thursday.
SettlementCash settlement or physical settlement of underlying stock on the EDSP.
Settlement dayThe premium settlement date is the first trading day after the trading date, provided that premium settlement is specified in the contract document. In case of physical settlement: the stock settlement date is two trading days after the exercise day. 
Exchange Delivery Settlement Price (EDSP)The cash market closing price of the underlying stock on the Last Trading Day.
Clearing organizationEuronext Clearing
Trading hoursCentral Order Book: 09:01 – 17:40 CET
Large-in-Scale Facility: 07:15 - 18:30 CET
Trading platformOptiq
AlgorithmCentral order book applies a price-time trading algorithm with priority given to the first order at the best price.
Last update9 SEP 2024
 [1] Apart from exceptions or temporary adjustments for corporate actions. See the document "Unusual Contract sizes" in "Related documentation" to find an overview of non-standard contract size classes.
 This product may not be offered and sold to US persons.
Related documentation
Related documentation