Währung | NOK | |
Last Traded | 152,40 | [09/01/2025 12:35] |
Kontrakte | 28 355 | [09/01/2025 12:17] |
Turnover | 4 314 771 | |
Transactions | 320 | |
VWAP | 152,1715 | |
Eröffnung | 152,20 | |
Hoch | 153,50 | [09:00] |
Tief | 151,40 | [09:00] |
Grenzwert | 156,90 147,90 | [09/01/2025 12:32] |
Previous Close | 152,20 | [08/01/2025] |
52 Week | 95,64 182,00 | |
Market Cap | 45,117B |
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Historical Performance
Regulated news
02/01/2025 | Ny rente |
02/01/2025 | Ny rente |
13/12/2024 | Financial calendar |
11/12/2024 | TOMRA: Base prospectus approved for listing of bonds |
11/12/2024 | Euronext Oslo Børs – Tomra Systems ASA - Received application for listing of bonds |