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Company profile

Lagardère Active Broadcast is the audiovisual division of the Lagardère group. Net sales break down by activity as follows:
  • audiovisual production and distribution (57.3%): TV channels operation (MCM, MCM Top, MCM Pop, Mezzo, Canal J, Tiji, MCM, June, Guili, etc.) and TV programs broadcasting (fiction, documentary, animation, magazines, entertainment, etc.; Lagardère Entertainment). The group also operates TV channels Websites and radio stations (MSN, YouTube, etc.);
  • radio operation (42.7%): owned shares in 26 stations worldwide, including Europe 1 (general radio), Virgin Radio (generational music radio station for young adults) and RFM (adult music radio). The group also develops advertising activity.
Net sales break down by source of income into sales of advertising spaces (41.7%), audiovisual products (39.9%), subscription (12.6%) and other (5.8%). Net sales break down geographically as follows: France (78.7%), Europe (18.5%) and other (2.8%).

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 09 Jun 2015
Key Executives
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Denis Olivennes
Chief Financial Officer Christophe Thoral
Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 14 Aug 2013
Key figures
Millenium 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Net sales 417.587 393.273 448.836 444.518 441.437
Income from ordinary activities 482.226 465.846 448.836 510.900 481.502
Operating income 71.047 21.456 36.501 88.359 96.121
Cost of net financial indebtedness 628 225 235 -1.743 -3.005
Equity-Accounted companies' contribution to results 501
Net profit from discontinued activities
Net income 59.028 5.254 16.751 73.708 71.875
Net income (group share) 57.205 2.552 15.063 72.225 69.705
Fiscal year end 12,14 12,13 12,12 12,11 12,10
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 12 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands
Account Standards Exercices aux normes IAS-IFRS à compter de l'exercice 2004. Exercices aux normes IAS-IFRS à compter de l'exercice 2004. Exercices aux normes IAS-IFRS à compter de l'exercice 2004. Exercices aux normes IAS-IFRS à compter de l'exercice 2004. Exercices aux normes IAS-IFRS à compter de l'exercice 2004.
Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 09 Jun 2015
Shareholder information
Lagardère Active 99,48 %
Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 14 Aug 2013


Lagardère Active Broadcast

Roc Fleuri 1 rue du Ténao
MC-98000 Monaco
Telefonnummer: +377 793 30 74 98
Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 09 Jun 2015