Allgemeine Informationen

Typ Stock
Sub type Ordinary Shares
Market Trading After Hours
ISIN Code FR0000124570
Euronext Code TAH000031825

Classification Financial Instrument

E = Equities
S = Common/ordinary shares
V = Voting
U = Free
F = Fully paid
N = Bearer/Registered


Industrie 40, Consumer Discretionary
SuperSector 4010, Automobiles and Parts
Sector 401010, Automobiles and Parts
Subsector 40101025, Auto Parts

Trading Information

Trading currency EUR
Price multiplier 1
Quantity notation Number of units
Shares outstanding 144 022 153
Nominal value 0,17
Trading group 3Y
Trading type Continuous
Tick size Index 23
Closing Price type VWAP - Closing Price of Reference Market