
ISIN code
Exchange / Market
Euronext Access
Trading location
Durable Household Products
Activity description

HK Wusejie is a professional home decoration enterprise, which fully covers the chain of designing, producing and selling. The company integrates three thoughts which are the long standing and wellestablished Chinese culture, the extensive and profund Buddhist thoughts, and the Western naturalism thoughts, in order to design and sell a series of wooden decoration items such as wooden vases to decorate houses.

Website address
Issuer website


IPO date
Fr. 19/03/2010
IPO type
Cotation directe
IPO type
Initial Public offering
Operation description

Initial listing and trading of company HK Wusejie Group Co., Limited on the Marché Libre.

Company profile

HK Wusejie specializes in designing, producing, and selling interior decorating artisan items made of wood. The group offers carved and/or painted products (vases, photo frames, wall panels, lamps, wrought iron items, dried flowers, etc.). Sales break down by product family as follows:
  • wood products (75%);
  • other (25%): products combining wood with other materials (copper, iron, etc.).
Products are marketed through agents (79.5% of sales) and by direct sales (20.5%).

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 14 Jan 2012
Key Executives
Chief Executive Officer Zhiming Cai
Chairman of the Board Weihua Sun
Chief Financial Officer Jianfei Hu
Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 09 Mar 2010
Key figures
Millenium 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Net sales 8.741 6.281 3.117 1.643 480
Income from ordinary activities 8.741 6.281 3.117 1.643 480
Operating income 2.036 1.516 671 360 144
Cost of net financial indebtedness
Equity-Accounted companies' contribution to results
Net profit from discontinued activities
Net income 1.503 1.212 550 306 122
Net income (group share) 1.503 1.212 550 306 122
Fiscal year end 12,10 12,09 12,08 12,07 12,06
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 12 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands
Account Standards
Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 14 Jan 2012
Shareholder information
Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 14 Jan 2012