Contas ano anterior:
Closed period before Q1 results |
Closed period before Q2 results |
Closed period before Q3 results |
Closed period before Q4 results |
Q1 trading statement |
Q2 trading statement |
Q3 trading statements |
Q4 trading statement |
Q1 results |
Q2 results |
Q3 results |
Q4 results |
Half year results |
Half year accounts |
Half year group management discussion and analysis |
Full year results |
Annual report |
Yearly accounts |
Consolidated accounts |
General report of the statutory auditors on the yearly accounts |
General report of the statutory auditors on the consolidated accounts |
Special report of the statutory auditors on the yearly accounts |
Group management discussion and analysis |
Outro |
Reunião com analistas
Q1 Analyst presentation |
Q2 Analyst presentation |
Q3 Analyst presentation |
Q4 Analyst presentation |
Outro |
Informação regulamentar
Corporate governance policy |
Monthly press release related to repurchase |
Prepatory documents for AG |
Repurchase program description |
Voting rights monthly report |
Statutory auditors fees |
Prospectus discloser |
Outro |
Outros avisos
Shareholder info |
Transactions made by major shareholders |
Assemebleia Geral
Assemebleia Geral |
AGM invitation |
AGM report |
Extraordinary AGM |
Extraordinary AGM invitation |
Extraordinary AGM report |
Outro |
Diretores |
Prospeto/ Circular/ Documento informativo
Prospeto/ Circular/ Documento informativo |
Outro |
Dividendos data final 2007
Proposal announced |
Declaration (at AGM) |
Ex-dividend date |
Record date |
Payment date |
Dividend dates Interim for 2008
Announced at AGM |
Ex-dividend date |
Record date |
Payment date |
Closed period before Q1 results |
Closed period before Q2 results |
Closed period before Q3 results |
Closed period before Q4 results |
Q1 trading statement |
Q2 trading statement |
Q3 trading statements |
Q4 trading statement |
Q1 results |
Q2 results |
Q3 results |
Q4 results |
Half year results | 20 Sep 2006 | |
Half year accounts |
Half year group management discussion and analysis |
Full year results | 31 Mar 2006 | |
Annual report |
Yearly accounts |
Consolidated accounts |
General report of the statutory auditors on the yearly accounts |
General report of the statutory auditors on the consolidated accounts |
Special report of the statutory auditors on the yearly accounts |
Group management discussion and analysis |
Outro |
Reunião com analistas
Q1 Analyst presentation |
Q2 Analyst presentation |
Q3 Analyst presentation |
Q4 Analyst presentation |
Outro |
Informação regulamentar
Corporate governance policy |
Monthly press release related to repurchase |
Prepatory documents for AG |
Repurchase program description |
Voting rights monthly report |
Statutory auditors fees |
Prospectus discloser |
Outro |
Outros avisos
Shareholder info |
Transactions made by major shareholders |
Assemebleia Geral
Assemebleia Geral |
AGM invitation |
AGM report |
Extraordinary AGM |
Extraordinary AGM invitation |
Extraordinary AGM report |
Outro |
Diretores |
Prospeto/ Circular/ Documento informativo
Prospeto/ Circular/ Documento informativo |
Outro |
Dividendos data final 2004
Proposal announced |
Declaration (at AGM) |
Ex-dividend date |
Record date |
Payment date |
Dividend dates Interim for 2005
Announced at AGM |
Ex-dividend date |
Record date |
Payment date |