Displaying 51 - 100 of 256 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
08 Dec 2023
14:44 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo is born following overwhelming support of shareholders on demerger of Solvay 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
08 Dec 2023
14:39 CET
SOLVAY Aandeelhouders steunen massaal de oprichting van twee onafhankelijke bedrijven - Solvay en Syensqo  55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
08 Dec 2023
14:39 CET
SOLVAY Shareholders overwhelmingly support the creation of two independent companies - Solvay and Syensqo 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
08 Dec 2023
14:39 CET
SOLVAY Les actionnaires soutiennent massivement la création des deux sociétés indépendantes - Solvay et Syensqo 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Nov 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Solvay kondigt de publicatie aan van een aanvulling op zijn informatiedocument 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Nov 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Solvay announces the publication of a supplement to its information document 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Nov 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Solvay annonce la publication d’un supplément à son document d’information 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
16 Nov 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo annonce l’approbation du prospectus relatif à l’admission des actions Syensqo aux négociations sur Euronext Bruxelles et Euronext Paris 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
16 Nov 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo kondigt goedkeuring van het prospectus in verband met de notering van haar aandelen op Euronext Brussel en Parijs aan 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
16 Nov 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo announces approval of the prospectus relating to the listing of Syensqo shares on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Paris 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay (EssentialCo) dévoile sa nouvelle stratégie et ses objectifs financiers pour 2028 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo onthult zijn groeistrategie voor de komende 5 jaar gericht op het creëren van superieure waarde 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo launches its 5-year growth strategy to create significant value 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay (EssentialCo) kondigt zijn nieuwe strategie en financiële doelstellingen voor 2028 aan 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay (EssentialCo) unveils its new strategy and 2028 financial targets 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo dévoile sa stratégie de croissance pour les 5 prochaines années visant à créer une valeur significative 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
07 Nov 2023
08:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay annonce la tenue d’une Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire pour la validation de sa séparation en deux sociétés indépendantes cotées en bourse 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
07 Nov 2023
08:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay houdt buitengewone aandeelhoudersvergadering om te stemmen over splitsing in twee onafhankelijke beursgenoteerde bedrijven 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
07 Nov 2023
08:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay to hold Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to vote on its separation into two independent listed companies 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay announces the future Executive Leadership Team for new standalone SYENSQO 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay annonce le Comité Exécutif de la future société autonome SOLVAY 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay annonce la composition du Conseil d'Administration de la future société autonome SYENSQO 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay kondigt toekomstige Raad van Bestuur aan voor nieuwe onafhankelijke SOLVAY 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay announces the future Board of Directors for new standalone SOLVAY 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay annonce le Comité Exécutif de la future société autonome SYENSQO 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay kondigt toekomstige Executive Leadership Team aan voor nieuwe onafhankelijke SOLVAY 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay kondigt toekomstige raad van bestuur aan voor nieuwe onafhankelijke SYENSQO 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay announces the future Executive Leadership Team for new standalone SOLVAY 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay announces the future board of directors for new standalone company SYENSQO 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay annonce la composition du Conseil d'Administration de la future société autonome SOLVAY 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay kondigt toekomstige Executive Leadership Team aan voor nieuwe onafhankelijke SYENSQO 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Resultaten Solvay eerste negen maanden 2023 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay 2023 third quarter results 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
03 Nov 2023
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Résultats du T3 et des neuf premiers mois 2023 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Oct 2023
08:09 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay announces exercise of issuer call option on the €300 million Perp-NC5.25 hybrid bonds issued by Solvay SA 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
18 Oct 2023
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY Le Conseil d’Administration de Solvay prévoit le vote sur la séparation de Solvay en deux sociétés indépendantes cotées le 8 décembre 2023 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
18 Oct 2023
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY De Raad van Bestuur van Solvay stelt 8 december 2023 vast als datum waarop aandeelhouders kunnen stemmen over de splitsing in twee onafhankelijke beursgenoteerde bedrijven 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
18 Oct 2023
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay Board sets December 8, 2023 for shareholders to vote on the separation into two independent listed companies 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
05 Oct 2023
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay announces exercise of issuer call option on the €500 million Perp-NC10 hybrid bonds issued by Solvay Finance 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
04 Oct 2023
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Notification de participation par Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
04 Oct 2023
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Participatiemelding van Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
04 Oct 2023
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Participation Notification by Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
29 Sep 2023
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay invites analysts and institutional investors to SpecialtyCo’s and EssentialCo’s first Capital Markets Day 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
27 Sep 2023
18:19 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay voltooit liability management process 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
27 Sep 2023
18:19 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay completes liability management process 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
27 Sep 2023
18:19 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay clôt le processus de gestion du passif 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
20 Sep 2023
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Notification de participation par Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
20 Sep 2023
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Participatiemelding van Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
20 Sep 2023
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Participation Notification by Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
05 Sep 2023
23:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay nv kondigt de resultaten aan van de vergaderingen met betrekking tot de NC5,5 hybride obligaties en de 2027 obligaties en de resultaten van het terugkoopbod met betrekking tot de NC8,5 hybride obligaties uitgegeven door SolvayFinance 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life