Displaying 1 - 50 of 256 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
26 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay annonce un rachat d'actions dans le cadre de son plan d'achat d'actions pour les employés et de ses plans d'intéressement à long terme 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
26 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay kondigt aandeleninkoop aan in het kader van zijn aandelenplan voor het personeel en Langetermijnbonusplannen 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
26 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay reports share buyback in the context of its Employee Share Purchase Plan and long-term incentive plans 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
25 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay showcases the leadership positions, strong cash generation and growth prospects of its Performance Chemicals business 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
18 Jun 2024
15:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay and Cyclic Materials sign supply agreement for recycled mixed rare earth oxide (EN / FR) 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Alliances and agreements
10 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Notifications de participation par BNP Paribas Asset Management SA 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
10 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Participatiemeldingen van BNP Paribas Asset Management SA 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
10 Jun 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Participation notifications by BNP Paribas Asset Management SA 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
28 May 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Resultaat van de Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders van 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified General meeting / Board Meeting
28 May 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Outcome of the 2024 Shareholders’ Meeting 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified General meeting / Board Meeting
28 May 2024
17:45 CEST
SOLVAY Résultats de l’assemblée générale des actionnaires 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified General meeting / Board Meeting
07 May 2024
07:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay first quarter 2024 results 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
07 May 2024
07:00 CEST
SOLVAY Résultats du premier trimestre 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
07 May 2024
07:00 CEST
SOLVAY Resultaten Solvay van het eerste kwartaal 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
29 Apr 2024
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Notification de participation par UBS Group AG 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
29 Apr 2024
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Participatiemelding van UBS Group AG 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
29 Apr 2024
08:30 CEST
SOLVAY Participation notification by UBS Group AG 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
26 Apr 2024
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay publiceert oproep tot Algemene Vergadering van 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
26 Apr 2024
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay publishes notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
26 Apr 2024
08:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay publie la convocation à son Assemblée Générale annuelle de 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
17 Apr 2024
18:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay releases 2023 annual integrated report 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
17 Apr 2024
18:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay publie son rapport annuel intégré 2023 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
17 Apr 2024
18:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay publiceert geïntegreerd jaarverslag 2023 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
15 Apr 2024
18:00 CEST
SOLVAY Solvay publishes 2023 quarterly information following restatement and new segmentation reporting 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
26 Mar 2024
19:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay voltooit met succes inaugurele uitgifte van obligaties voor €1,5 miljard in twee tranches 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
26 Mar 2024
19:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay successfully completes its inaugural EUR 1.5 billion dual tranche bond issuance 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
26 Mar 2024
19:01 CET
SOLVAY Solvay réalise avec succès son émission inaugurale d'obligations en deux tranches pour €1,5 milliard 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Mar 2024
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Participation notification by DME Advisors and DME Capital Management 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Mar 2024
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Notification de participation par DME Advisors and DME Capital Management 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Mar 2024
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Participatiemelding van DME Advisors and DME Capital Management 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Mar 2024
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l’année 2023 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Mar 2024
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay 2023 vierde kwartaal en jaarresultaten 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
13 Mar 2024
07:00 CET
SOLVAY Solvay fourth quarter and full-year 2023 results 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
21 Feb 2024
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Participatiemelding van DME Advisors and DME Capital Management 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
21 Feb 2024
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Participation notification by DME Advisors and DME Capital Management 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
21 Feb 2024
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Notification de participation par DME Advisors and DME Capital Management 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Other subject
20 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Solvay 2024 Financial Calendar 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Notification de participation par Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Calendrier financier de Solvay en 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Participatiemelding van Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Participation Notification by Blackrock Inc. 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
20 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Financiële kalender van Solvay in 2024 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
11 Dec 2023
09:49 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo succesvol gelanceerd op Euronext 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
11 Dec 2023
09:49 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo successfully launched on Euronext 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
11 Dec 2023
09:49 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo lancée avec succès sur Euronext 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
11 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Solvay luidt nieuw tijdperk in na succesvolle spin-off Syensqo 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
11 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Solvay marks new era after successful Syensqo spin-off 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
11 Dec 2023
08:30 CET
SOLVAY Solvay entame une ère nouvelle après la scission de Syensqo 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified -
08 Dec 2023
14:44 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo voit le jour à la suite du soutien massif des actionnaires à la scission de Solvay 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life
08 Dec 2023
14:44 CET
SOLVAY Syensqo is geboren na overweldigende steun van de aandeelhouders voor de splitsing van Solvay 55201000 Chemicals: Diversified Corporate life