The Oslo Børs Shares & Voting Rights assists investors in complying with their regulatory obligations when it comes to mandatory and voluntary offers and disclosures of large shareholdings.
Important changes in the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the Stock Exchange Act came into force 1 January 2008. The changes affect areas such as mandatory and voluntary offers and disclosure of large shareholdings.
The definition used for number of shares is as follows:
- For Norwegian companies (registered with a ‘NO’ prefixed ISIN code): the number of shares registered in The Register of Business Enterprises*
- For foreign companies (registered outside Norway): the total number of shares in the company regardless of which security registry the shares are registered
The number of shares is updated on the basis of public disclosures from the listed companies.
Column descriptions:
- Exchange: Oslo Børs (XOSL), Oslo Axess (XOAX) or Merkur Market (MERK). For unlisted shares** the field is left empty
- Company: Issuer name
- Multiple share classes: If an issuer has more than one share class this is indicated here
- Ticker: Security ticker
- ISIN: International security identification number
- Name: Security name
- Number of shares: Number of shares for the security
- Votes per share: Votes per share for the Security
Distribution and Availability
The file is delivered after close of each trading day and represents the opening data for the following trading day. For instance, if a share trades ex stock split the following trading day, the number of shares after the split is used.
* The Register of Business Enterprises is responsible for registering all Norwegian and foreign business enterprises in Norway. Norwegian companies are obliged to register changes in their share capital here.
** Unlisted shares (often B-shares) are only shown for companies that have one or more classes of unlisted shares in addition to the listed shares.
Order Form & Fees
Client specifications