Displaying 80551 - 80600 of 81384 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
12 Oct 2021
17:49 CEST
Ocean Yield ASA Octopus Bidco AS announces that the regulatory approvals condition has been satisfied for the recommended voluntary cash offer for all the shares in Ocean Yield ASA 50206030 Marine Transportation Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
17:31 CEST
SALMON EVOLUTION ASA Salmon Evolution and Cargill enter strategic partnership for feed - Cargill invests USD 5 million in Salmon Evolution through a private placement 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
16:45 CEST
KMC PROPERTIES ASA Publication of prospectus and launch of subscription period for the Subsequent Offering in KMC Properties ASA 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Inside information
12 Oct 2021
16:17 CEST
XPLORA TECHNOLOGIES Xplora Technologies AS: Mandatory Notification of Trade - Primary Insider 40203010 Consumer Electronics Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
12 Oct 2021
16:01 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Notis til obligasjonseiere i Havi07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
16:01 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Havi07 Summons for Written Resolution 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
15:42 CEST
Drangedal Sparebank Ustedelse av obligasjonslån og nedkvittering. - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
15:14 CEST
Entra ASA Entra issues commercial paper 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
15:00 CEST
KLP Boligkreditt AS KLP Boligkreditt AS - Salg av egenbeholdning og tilbakekjøp - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
14:43 CEST
NEL Financial calendar 60102020 Renewable Energy Equipment Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
14:43 CEST
Vaksdal komm 21/23 FRN Vaksdal kommune - emisjon av sertifikat - Endringer i rettighetene til aksjer / verdipapirer
12 Oct 2021
14:31 CEST
Grieg Seafood ASA Grieg Seafood ASA: Notice of extraordinary general meeting 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
14:07 CEST
XPLORA TECHNOLOGIES Xplora Technologies AS: Mandatory Notification of Trade - Primary Insider 40203010 Consumer Electronics Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
12 Oct 2021
13:56 CEST
Bulk Industrier AS 20/23 FRN FLOOR C Ny rente - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:50 CEST
Skue Sparebank Renteregulering 30101010 Banks Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:50 CEST
Bergen Kommune Renteregulering - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:50 CEST
Agder Energi AS Renteregulering - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:50 CEST
Kvinesdal Sparebank Renteregulering - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:49 CEST
Trøgstad Sparebank Renteregulering - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:49 CEST
SpareBank 1 Søre Sunnmøre Renteregulering - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:49 CEST
BN Bank ASA Renteregulering - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:49 CEST
Entra ASA Renteregulering 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:49 CEST
Øygarden kommune Renteregulering - Renteregulering
12 Oct 2021
13:22 CEST
Ice Group Scandinavia Holdings Ice Group Scandinavia Holdings AS: Capital injection into Scandinavian operation - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
13:12 CEST
RANA GRUBER AS Decision to merge Rana Gruber Mineral AS and Rana Gruber AS 55102010 Iron and Steel Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
13:12 CEST
RANA GRUBER AS Vedtak om fusjon mellom Rana Gruber Mineral AS og Rana Gruber AS 55102010 Iron and Steel Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
13:10 CEST
CADELER A/S Cadeler A/S signs contract with Dutch contractor Van Oord to assist in executing offshore wind project Hollandse Kust Noord 50101015 Engineering and Contracting Services Inside information
12 Oct 2021
13:00 CEST
GasLog Ltd 19/24 FRN FLOOR C GasLog Ltd. Announces New Credit Facility - Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
11:30 CEST
Ice Group ASA Ice Group ASA: Employee share ownership program 15102015 Telecommunications Services Total number of voting rights and capital
12 Oct 2021
11:10 CEST
Endúr ASA Endúr ASA - Britt Mjellem blir arbeidende styreleder i Endúr Maritime 50203000 Diversified Industrials Ikke-informasjonspliktige pressemeldinger
12 Oct 2021
11:00 CEST
Equinor ASA Change in Equinor's policy for adjusted earnings in the Renewables segment 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Non-regulatory press releases
12 Oct 2021
11:00 CEST
Equinor ASA Endring i Equinors praksis for justert resultat i fornybarsegmentet 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Ikke-informasjonspliktige pressemeldinger
12 Oct 2021
10:59 CEST
Spar Nord Bank A/S 17/27 FRN SEK C SUB Final result of mandatory takeover offer submitted by Spar Nord Bank A/S to the shareholders of Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S 30101010 Banks Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
10:59 CEST
Spar Nord Bank A/S 17/27 FRN SEK C SUB Endeligt resultat af det pligtmæssige købstilbud fremsat af Spar Nord Bank A/S til aktionærer i Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
10:50 CEST
Sogn Sparebank Oppdatert Q2-rapport 30101010 Banks Halvårsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger / uttalelser om forenklet revisorkontroll
12 Oct 2021
09:57 CEST
SELVAAG BOLIG Financial calendar 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
09:57 CEST
SELVAAG BOLIG Finansiell kalender 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
09:39 CEST
SELVAAG BOLIG Financial calendar 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
09:39 CEST
SELVAAG BOLIG Finansiell kalender 35101010 Real Estate Holding and Development Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
09:38 CEST
DFDS A/S MONTHLY VOLUME REPORT: CONTINUED FREIGHT GROWTH OFFSET BY UK SLOWDOWN 50206030 Marine Transportation Non-regulatory press releases
12 Oct 2021
09:09 CEST
SPAREBANK 1 HELGELAND SpareBank 1 Helgeland: Utøvelse av førtidig innfrielse (call) for evigvarende fondsobligasjon. 30101010 Banks Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
09:08 CEST
Opdals Sparebank Nøkkelinformasjon ved innfrielse av deler av obligasjonslån samt utvidelse av OPSB30 - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
12 Oct 2021
09:08 CEST
NRC Group ASA NRC Group ASA - Appointed to a contract in Sweden - SEK 43 million 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Inside information
12 Oct 2021
09:00 CEST
NAVAMEDIC Navamedic ASA extends exclusive distribution rights for Mysimba in the Nordics 20103015 Pharmaceuticals Non-regulatory press releases
12 Oct 2021
08:15 CEST
AKOBO MINERALS AB (PUB) Akobo Minerals receives very positive results from its metallurgical testwork with potential for greater than previously expected revenue generation 55103025 Gold Mining Non-regulatory press releases
12 Oct 2021
08:11 CEST
AVANCE GAS HOLDING Avance Gas Holding Ltd – Last day of the offer period under the mandatory offer 50206030 Marine Transportation Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
08:01 CEST
OKEA ASA OKEA decides to halt further development of Vette discovery due to insufficient financial robustness 60101010 Oil: Crude Producers Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
12 Oct 2021
08:00 CEST
ANDFJORD SALMON Andfjord Salmon AS - Issue of shares to primary insiders 45102010 Farming, Fishing, Ranching and Plantations Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders
12 Oct 2021
08:00 CEST
ZENITH ENERGY Workover of ROB-1, onshore Tunisia 60101010 Oil: Crude Producers Inside information
12 Oct 2021
07:14 CEST
Copper Mountain Mining 21/26 8 pct USD C Copper Mountain Mining Announces Positive Drill Results at Cameron Copper Project in Australia, Three Large Mineralized Zones Identified - Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon