Displaying 11501 - 11550 of 14697 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
27 Mar 2020
18:18 CET
BPOST The bpost Board of Directors proposes to cancel the May 2020 final dividend payment due to COVID-19 Delivery Services Legal
27 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
GBL GBL-Publication du Rapport Annuel 2019 Specialty Finance Commercial results
27 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
GBL Invitation to the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings of April 28, 2020 Specialty Finance General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
GBL GBL Convocation AG du 28 avril 2020 Specialty Finance General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
GBL GBL - Publicatie van het Jaarverslag 2019 Specialty Finance Commercial results
27 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
GBL GBL-Publication of the 2019 Annual Report Specialty Finance Commercial results
27 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
GBL Oproeping van de Buitengewone en Gewone Algemene Vergaderingen van 28 april 2020 Specialty Finance General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
10:06 CET
TITAN CEMENT Share Buy Back Programme Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
27 Mar 2020
10:04 CET
TITAN CEMENT Programme de Rachat d'Actions Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
27 Mar 2020
09:46 CET
BE0003790079.XBRU Convening of the Annual General Meeting Electronic Equipment General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
08:04 CET
AB INBEV Convening notice to parti cipate to the ordinary and extraordinary s hareholders’ m eeting to be held on 2 9 April 20 20 Brewers General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
08:03 CET
AB INBEV Convocation à participer à l’Assemblée générale ordinaire et extraordinaire des actionnaires du 29 avril 2020 Brewers General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
08:02 CET
AB INBEV Oproeping om deel te nemen aan de Gewone en Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering van 29 april 2020 Brewers General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
08:00 CET
ZENITEL Zenitel NV invitations AGM EGM 28042020 Telecommunications Equipment General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
08:00 CET
ZENITEL Zenitel 2019 Annual Report Telecommunications Equipment Commercial results
27 Mar 2020
07:42 CET
JENSEN-GROUP Update Covid 19 Industrial Machinery Other subject
27 Mar 2020
07:41 CET
JENSEN-GROUP Update on Covid-19 Industrial Machinery Other subject
27 Mar 2020
07:30 CET
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Convocation shareholders meeting 29th of April 2020 Clothing&Accessories Meetings / events
27 Mar 2020
07:30 CET
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Convocation Assemblée Générale 29 avril 2020 Clothing&Accessories General meeting / Board Meeting
27 Mar 2020
07:30 CET
VAN DE VELDE VAN DE VELDE : Oproeping algemene vergadering 29 april 2020 Clothing&Accessories General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
EXMAR Resultaten 2019 Marine Transportation Other subject
26 Mar 2020
17:43 CET
EXMAR Results 2019 Marine Transportation Other subject
25 Mar 2020
19:01 CET
MIKO Miko: Annual results 2019 Soft Drinks Commercial results
25 Mar 2020
19:01 CET
MIKO Miko: résultats 2019 Soft Drinks Commercial results
25 Mar 2020
19:00 CET
MIKO Miko: Jaarresultaten 2019 Soft Drinks Commercial results
25 Mar 2020
18:00 CET
PAYTON PLANAR Payton Planar Magnetics - Full Year Results 2019 Electrical Components&Equipment Income
24 Mar 2020
21:28 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Report on the progress of the share buy-back programme Software Other financial transaction
24 Mar 2020
21:27 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Rapport sur l'état d’exécution du programme de rachat d'actions propres Software Other financial transaction
24 Mar 2020
21:25 CET
KEYWARE TECH. Verslag over de stand van uitvoering van het programma voor de inkoop van eigen aandelen Software Other financial transaction
24 Mar 2020
18:30 CET
IEP INVEST Geconsolideerde financiële staten op 31 december 2019 Industrial Machinery Other subject
24 Mar 2020
15:30 CET
SIOEN Sioen Industries : Convocation to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting 24/04/2020 Clothing&Accessories General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Mar 2020
15:30 CET
SIOEN Sioen Industries : Oproeping tot de gewone en buitengewone algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders van 24 april 2020 Clothing&Accessories General meeting / Board Meeting
24 Mar 2020
15:14 CET
TITAN CEMENT Presentation of Full Year 2019 Results to Analysts and Investors Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
24 Mar 2020
00:17 CET
AB INBEV AB InBev files its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2019, updates on the impact of COVID-19 and updates on the sale of Carlton & United Breweries to Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. Brewers Other financial transaction
23 Mar 2020
18:40 CET
GBL GBL - Inkoop van eigen aandelen 23-03-2020 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
23 Mar 2020
18:39 CET
GBL GBL - Rachat d'actions propres 23-03-2020 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
23 Mar 2020
18:38 CET
GBL GBL - Share buyback 23-03-2020 Specialty Finance Other financial transaction
23 Mar 2020
08:38 CET
EURONAV Disclosure regarding a transparency notification Marine Transportation Share history
20 Mar 2020
14:00 CET
IMMOBEL Immobel : Des architectes belges et norvégiens redessinent le Centre Monnaie à Bruxelles Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
20 Mar 2020
14:00 CET
IMMOBEL Immobel: Belgische en Noorse architecten hertekenen het Muntcentrum in Brussel Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
20 Mar 2020
14:00 CET
IMMOBEL Immobel: Belgian and Norwegian architects to redesign the Centre Monnaie/Muntcentrum in Brussels Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject
19 Mar 2020
18:52 CET
RESILUX Update regarding Share Buyback Containers&Packaging Legal
19 Mar 2020
18:19 CET
TITAN CEMENT Communication De L’intention D’acquérir Des Actions Propres Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
19 Mar 2020
18:18 CET
TITAN CEMENT Announcement Of Intention To Acquire Own Shares Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
19 Mar 2020
18:14 CET
TITAN CEMENT Résultats Annuels 2019 Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
19 Mar 2020
18:12 CET
TITAN CEMENT Full Year 2019 Results Building Materials&Fixtures Other subject
19 Mar 2020
17:50 CET
19 Mar 2020
17:49 CET
VIOHALCO Financial Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2019 Diversified Industrials Commercial results
19 Mar 2020
17:45 CET
CARE PROPERTY INV. Akkoord inzake de verwerving van een wooncomplex voor personen met een beperking (M.A.S.) in Stembert (BE) Residential REITs Commercial operations
19 Mar 2020
11:00 CET
IMMOBEL Immobel livre le nouveau siège d’Allianz Benelux Real Estate Holding&Development Other subject