Displaying 1 - 50 of 260 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
25 Sep 2024
10:37 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Inmarsat Maritime Selects Eutelsat’s OneWeb LEO Network to Support Maritime Connectivity Service 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
25 Sep 2024
10:37 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Le réseau LEO d'Eutelsat OneWeb sélectionné par Inmarsat Maritime pour le déploiement de ses services de connectivité en mer 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
18 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group Secures Additional Launches in New Agreement with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
18 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group sécurise de futurs lancements de satellites grâce à son nouveau partenariat avec Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
13 Sep 2024
18:40 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Al Jazeera Media Network Reaffirms Long-Standing Partnership With Eutelsat Group for Broadcast Services Across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
03 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Partenariat entre Eutelsat et SoftBank Corp. pour le déploiement de services de connectivité universels, sécurisés et à faible latence auprès des entreprises et des administrations japonaises 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
03 Sep 2024
08:00 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat and SoftBank Corp. Collaborate to Offer Ubiquitous, Low Latency, Secure Connectivity for Businesses and Government Agencies Throughout Japan 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
09 Aug 2024
17:45 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat entre en négociations exclusives pour la cession partielle de ses infrastructures passives du segment sol 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
09 Aug 2024
17:45 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group Enters Into Exclusive Negotiations for the Carve-out and Partial Sale of Its Passive Ground Segment Infrastructure Assets 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
09 Aug 2024
07:30 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Communications: Full Year 2023-24 Results 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Income
09 Aug 2024
07:30 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Communications : RÉSULTATS ANNUELS 2023-24 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Income
08 Aug 2024
10:00 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. United Group Consolidates Broadcasting Activities on Eutelsat’s Major European Direct-To-Home Positions, EUTELSAT 16A and HOTBIRD, to Maximise Audience Reach 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
05 Jul 2024
10:56 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS contracté avec la société BNP PARIBAS 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
05 Jul 2024
10:56 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Half Year Liquidity Contract EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS Contracted with BNP Paribas 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
22 May 2024
15:05 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Yahsat s'appuie sur le satellite EUTELSAT KONNECT d'Eutelsat Group pour favoriser l'essor de sa couverture à travers le monde 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
22 May 2024
15:05 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Yahsat Partners With Eutelsat Group to Leverage EUTELSAT KONNECT Satellite to Drive Growth Across Its Global Footprint 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
14 May 2024
17:45 CEST
14 May 2024
17:45 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Communications: Third Quarter and Nine-month 2023-24 Revenues 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Income
06 May 2024
07:30 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Statement Concerning Eutelsat Group’s Ground Network 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
06 May 2024
07:30 CEST
04 Apr 2024
09:25 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat S.A. Announces the Results of the Tender Offer 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
31 Mar 2024
05:08 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Successful Launch of EUTELSAT 36D Satellite 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
31 Mar 2024
05:08 CEST
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. LANCEMENT RÉUSSI POUR LE SATELLITE EUTELSAT 36D 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
27 Mar 2024
20:23 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat S.A. annonce le succès de son offre d'obligations senior d'un montant en principal de €600 millions d'euros à échéance 2029 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
27 Mar 2024
20:23 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat S.A. Announces the Success of Its Offering of €600 Million Senior Notes Due 2029 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
26 Mar 2024
11:25 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat OneWeb et Sat One s’associent pour proposer la connectivité aux entreprises et aux acteurs du maritime en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
26 Mar 2024
11:25 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat OneWeb Services Activated for Enterprise and Maritime in Australian and New Zealand through Sat One Partnership 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
25 Mar 2024
09:16 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat S.A. Announces Offering of €600 Million Senior Notes Due 2029 and Offer to Purchase for Cash Its Outstanding Bonds Due 2025 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
25 Mar 2024
09:16 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat S.A. annonce l’offre des obligations senior à échéance 2029 de 600 millions d'euros et le lancement d’une offre de rachat en numéraire de ses obligations senior existantes à échéance 2025 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
25 Mar 2024
09:14 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat S.A.: Announces the Launch of a Tender Offer 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
19 Mar 2024
22:30 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group et Intelsat engagent un nouveau partenariat majeur portant sur la constellation OneWeb en orbite terrestre basse (LEO) d'Eutelsat 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
19 Mar 2024
22:30 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group and Intelsat Ink Significant New Deal for Partnership on Eutelsat’s OneWeb Low Earth Orbit Constellation 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
06 Mar 2024
11:05 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group: Change of Directors 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
06 Mar 2024
11:05 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group: CHANGEMENT D’ADMINISTRATEUR 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
06 Mar 2024
09:28 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. ERRATUM - Eutelsat Communications: Second Quarter and First Half 2023-24 Results Press Release 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
06 Mar 2024
09:28 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. ERRATUM - Eutelsat Communications : Communiqué de presse des résultats du premier semestre et du deuxième trimestre de l’exercice 2023-24 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
05 Mar 2024
18:35 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group: Notice of the Availability of the Half-yearly Financial Report 2023-24 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Income
05 Mar 2024
18:35 CET
21 Feb 2024
10:59 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group’s ADVANCE Maritime Offer Supporting Universal Satcom to Consolidate and Extend Its Service Offering 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
21 Feb 2024
10:59 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. L'offre ADVANCE Maritime d'Eutelsat Group accompagne Universal Satcom dans la consolidation et l'élargissement de son portefeuille de services 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
16 Feb 2024
07:30 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Communications : CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES DU DEUXIEME TRIMESTRE ET DU PREMIER SEMESTRE DE L’EXERCICE 2023-24 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Income
16 Feb 2024
07:30 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Communications: Second Quarter and First Half 2023-24 Results 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Income
15 Feb 2024
15:20 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Le pôle audiovisuel 7/8° Ouest d'Eutelsat au service d'une offre élargie de chaînes TV diffusées par Télédiffusion d'Algérie sur l’ensemble du territoire algérien 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
15 Feb 2024
15:20 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat 7/8° West Video Hotspot Leveraged by Télédiffusion d’Algérie to Expand Channel Offering for Audiences Across Algeria 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
12 Feb 2024
14:37 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Telstra and Eutelsat OneWeb Launch Largest Deployment of LEO Backhaul in Australia 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
12 Feb 2024
14:37 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Lancement par Telstra et Eutelsat OneWeb de la plus vaste opération de raccordement au réseau LEO en Australie 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
02 Feb 2024
16:28 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group confirme la fin des opérations sur le satellite EUTELSAT 113 West A 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
02 Feb 2024
16:28 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group Confirms End of Operations on EUTELSAT 113 West A Satellite 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
29 Jan 2024
16:53 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group Concludes Sale of OneWeb’s stake in Airbus OneWeb Satellites LLC (AOS) 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject
29 Jan 2024
16:53 CET
EUTELSAT COMMUNIC. Eutelsat Group finalise la cession de la participation de OneWeb au capital d'Airbus OneWeb Satellites LLC (AOS) 15101010 Telecommunications Equipment Other subject