Displaying 701 - 750 of 1084 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
15 Sep 2022
12:05 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Statement in Compliance With the Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers) 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
15 Sep 2022
12:05 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration au titre de l'article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l'Autorité des marchés financiers 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
15 Sep 2022
08:40 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Iraq: TotalEnergies Sells its Non-Operated Interest in the Sarsang Oil Field 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
15 Sep 2022
08:40 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Irak : TotalEnergies annonce la vente de sa participation dans le champ de Sarsang 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Sep 2022
12:35 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Research: TotalEnergies and the Technical University of Denmark Create a Center of Excellence in Decarbonized Energies 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Sep 2022
12:35 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Recherche : TotalEnergies et l’Université Technique du Danemark créent un centre d’excellence dans les énergies décarbonées 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Sep 2022
20:53 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
12 Sep 2022
20:53 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Sep 2022
19:04 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Sep 2022
19:04 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
31 Aug 2022
08:51 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Belgique : TotalEnergies sélectionnée pour installer 4 400 points de recharge pour véhicules électriques en Flandre 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
31 Aug 2022
08:51 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Belgium : TotalEnergies Selected to Install 4,400 EV Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles in Flanders 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
29 Aug 2022
19:22 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
29 Aug 2022
19:22 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
29 Aug 2022
08:00 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies:Norway: Northern Lights Project Signs World's First Commercial Agreement on Cross-Border CO2 Transport and Storage 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
29 Aug 2022
08:00 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies:Norvège : le projet Northern Lights signe le premier accord commercial au monde pour le transport transfrontalier et la séquestration de CO2 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
26 Aug 2022
15:56 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Russia: TotalEnergies Continues to Implement Its Principles of Conduct and Sells Its 49% Interest in the Russian Termokarstovoye Gas Field to Novatek 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
26 Aug 2022
15:56 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Russie : TotalEnergies poursuit la mise en œuvre de ses principes d’action et cède à Novatek sa participation de 49% dans le champ de gaz de Termokarstovoye en Russie 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
24 Aug 2022
08:56 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Australia: TotalEnergies, INPEX and Woodside Join Forces to Develop a Major Offshore CO2 Sequestration Project 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
24 Aug 2022
08:56 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Australie : TotalEnergies, INPEX et Woodside s’associent pour développer un grand projet de séquestration de CO2 en mer 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
23 Aug 2022
09:06 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE:First Power at Scotland’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
23 Aug 2022
09:06 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE:Démarrage du plus grand parc éolien offshore d'Écosse 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Aug 2022
18:50 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Aug 2022
18:50 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Aug 2022
11:35 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Chypre : TotalEnergies annonce une découverte significative de gaz offshore sur le Bloc 6 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
22 Aug 2022
11:35 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Cyprus: TotalEnergies Announces Significant Offshore Gas Discovery in Block 6 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Aug 2022
00:21 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
13 Aug 2022
00:21 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
08 Aug 2022
18:00 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
08 Aug 2022
18:00 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Aug 2022
17:33 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Statement in Compliance With the Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers) 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
05 Aug 2022
17:33 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE : Déclaration au titre de l'article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l'Autorité des marchés financiers 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
03 Aug 2022
08:32 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Floating Offshore Wind in France: TotalEnergies, Corio Generation and Qair Join Forces to Bid for Mediterranean Tender 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
03 Aug 2022
08:32 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Eolien flottant en France : TotalEnergies, Corio Generation et Qair s'associent pour répondre à un appel d’offres en Méditerranée 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
01 Aug 2022
20:45 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
01 Aug 2022
20:45 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies : Déclaration des Transactions sur Actions Propres 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
29 Jul 2022
09:40 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies: Financial Report – 1st half 2022 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Commercial results
29 Jul 2022
09:40 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies : Rapport financier du premier semestre 2022 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Commercial results
29 Jul 2022
08:40 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies et ADNOC s’associent dans la distribution de carburants en Egypte 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
29 Jul 2022
08:40 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies and ADNOC Partner in Fuel Distribution in Egypt 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
28 Jul 2022
15:25 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Angola: TotalEnergies is Rolling out its Multi-Energy Strategy by Launching Three Projects in Oil, Gas and Solar Energy 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
28 Jul 2022
15:25 CEST
TOTALENERGIES Angola : TotalEnergies déploie sa stratégie multi-énergies en lançant trois projets dans le pétrole, le gaz et l’électricité solaire 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
28 Jul 2022
12:25 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies : Résultats du deuxième trimestre et du premier semestre 2022 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Commercial results
28 Jul 2022
12:25 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies SE: Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Results 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Commercial results
28 Jul 2022
08:47 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies Announces the Second 2022 Interim Dividend of €0.69/Share, an Increase of 5% Compared to 2021 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
28 Jul 2022
08:47 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies annonce le deuxième acompte sur dividende de 0,69 €/action au titre de l’exercice 2022, en hausse de 5% par rapport à 2021 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
27 Jul 2022
08:38 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies and Veolia Partner to Build the Largest Solar System for a Desalination Plant in Oman 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
27 Jul 2022
08:38 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies et Veolia s’associent pour construire la plus grande centrale solaire pour une usine de dessalement d’eau de mer à Oman 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
25 Jul 2022
08:37 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies: Nigeria: Start of Production From the Ikike Field 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject
25 Jul 2022
08:37 CEST
TOTALENERGIES TotalEnergies : Nigeria : Démarrage de la production du champ d’Ikike 60101000 Integrated Oil and Gas Other subject