Displaying 51 - 99 of 99 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
13 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP La Région Flamande de Belgique retient LACROIX et sa solution d’éclairage public intelligente pour la modernisation de son infrastructure routière 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
13 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP The Flemish Region of Belgium has opted for LACROIX and its smart street lighting solution to modernize its road infrastructure 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
29 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX contribue à la modernisation de l’infrastructure d’éclairage public intelligent de la ville d’Oslo 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
29 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX to help upgrade Oslo’s smart public lighting infrastructure 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
07 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : Intensification de la dynamique de croissance du chiffre d’affaires. + 61,3% (+21,2% pc) sur le 3ème trimestre. + 41,4% (+9,0% pc) sur les 9 premiers mois. Réhaussement de l’objectif annuel de chiffre d’affaires. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
07 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : Intensification of the revenue growth momentum. +61.3% (+21.2% at constant scope) for the 3rd quarter. +41.4% (+9.0% at constant scope) over the first 9 months. Annual revenue target revised upward. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
11 Oct 2022
16:48 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : Availability of the half-year financial report 2022. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
11 Oct 2022
16:48 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : Mise à disposition du rapport financier semestriel 2022. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
10 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX launches its Shareholders’ Club. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Corporate life
10 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX lance son Club des Actionnaires. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Corporate life
29 Sep 2022
18:08 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : First half 2022 : Solid growth in revenues : +32.8%. Operating profitability resilient despite a contrasted environment. Confirmation of annual objectives. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
29 Sep 2022
18:08 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : Premier semestre 2022 : Solide croissance du chiffre d’affaires : +32,8%. Résistance de la rentabilité opérationnelle malgré un environnement contrasté. Confirmation des objectifs annuels. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
22 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix continues its strategic development and reinforce its management team. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Journal / appointments
22 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix poursuit son développement stratégique avec le renforcement de sa ligne managériale. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Journal / appointments
25 Aug 2022
18:36 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Accélération de la croissance du chiffre d’affaires au 2ème trimestre : +36,2% (+8,1% pc) 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
25 Aug 2022
18:36 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Acceleration of revenue growth in the 2nd quarter: +36.2% (+8.1% at constant scope) 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
22 Jul 2022
08:30 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : La fin du projet « Intelligent local grid » confirme la position de leader de LACROIX en matière de réseaux énergétiques intelligents en Allemagne 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Corporate life
22 Jul 2022
08:30 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : “Intelligent local grid” project celebrates its completion: LACROIX confirms its leading role in smart grids in Germany 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Corporate life
08 Jul 2022
17:40 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX GROUP : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Share history
09 May 2022
18:01 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX reports first quarter results in line with forecasts, with 29.4% growth in revenue driven by the acquisition of Firstronic. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
09 May 2022
18:01 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX enregistre un début d’année conforme aux prévisions avec une croissance de 29,4% du chiffre d’affaires, portée par l’acquisition de Firstronic. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
23 Mar 2022
17:48 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix Group : 2021 Historical revenue of over €500m. Great improvement on results. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
23 Mar 2022
17:48 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix Group : 2021 Chiffre d’affaires historique supérieur à 500 M€. Résultats en solide progression. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
14 Feb 2022
18:11 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX dépasse 500 M€ de chiffre d’affaires pour la première fois de son histoire et atteint son objectif 2021. Croissance de 13,7% sur l’année 2021. Rentabilité 2021 attendue en haut de fourchette. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
14 Feb 2022
18:11 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX’s Revenue Has Exceeded €500 Million for the First Time in Its History and Has Hit Its Target for 2021. Growth of 13.7% for 2021. Profitability for 2021 Expected at the Top End of the Range. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
03 Feb 2022
18:10 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : Transfert du titre LACROIX du compartiment C au compartiment B à compter du 31 janvier 2022. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Other subject
03 Feb 2022
18:10 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix shares transferred from segment C to segment B as of 31 January 2022. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Other subject
27 Jan 2022
18:25 CET
LACROIX GROUP Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
10 Jan 2022
18:08 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : Closing of the FIRSTRONIC acquisition. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
10 Jan 2022
18:08 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : Finalisation de l’acquisition de FIRSTRONIC. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
06 Jan 2022
17:52 CET
LACROIX GROUP Agenda financier 2022 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
06 Jan 2022
17:52 CET
LACROIX GROUP Financial calendar 2022 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
04 Jan 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX reconnu en 2021 comme un acteur majeur de l’IoT. Confirmation d’une orientation stratégique forte pour 2022. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Corporate life
04 Jan 2022
17:45 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : In 2021, LACROIX recognized as a major player in the IoT industry Confirmation of a strong strategic orientation for 2022. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Corporate life
16 Dec 2021
23:34 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : Acquisition de FIRSTRONIC aux Etats-Unis. Une étape stratégique du plan LEADERSHIP 2025 aux côtés de Bpifrance. Un profil financier très attractif. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
16 Dec 2021
23:34 CET
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX : Acquisition of FIRSTRONIC in the US. A strategic step in the LEADERSHIP 2025 plan alongside Bpifrance. A highly attractive financial profile. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
25 Nov 2021
17:47 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix Group : Le leadership technologique de LACROIX reconnu dans le cadre de projets innovants au cœur des enjeux de la ville de demain. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Other subject
25 Nov 2021
17:47 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix Group : LACROIX’s technological leadership recognised in innovative projects that are key to the city of the future. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Other subject
08 Nov 2021
18:08 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : Revenue up 16.7% over the first 9 months of the year 2021 objectives confirmed 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
08 Nov 2021
18:08 CET
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : Chiffre d’affaires en hausse de 16,7% sur les 9 premiers mois de l’année 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Sales
22 Oct 2021
08:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LEDGER x LACROIX : two of France’s gems are joining forces to promote French innovation and competitiveness. A partnership that is emblematic of the synergies between French Tech and French Fab. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Alliances and agreements
21 Oct 2021
19:29 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LEDGER x LACROIX : Deux pépites françaises s’associent au profit de l’innovation et de la compétitivité française. Un partenariat emblématique des synergies entre la French Tech et la French Fab. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Alliances and agreements
28 Sep 2021
18:07 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix : Business over pre-crisis levels, driven by all Group activities. Profitability growth in line with expectations. Business portfolio on track, but an end of year impacted by supply tensions. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
28 Sep 2021
18:07 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix: Activité supérieure aux niveaux d’avant crise, tirée par l’ensemble des activités du Groupe. Progression de la rentabilité en ligne avec les attentes. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
02 Sep 2021
17:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP LACROIX annonce son éligibilité au PEA PME-ETI 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other New
26 Aug 2021
17:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Revenue up by 31.7% in the first half, confirming LACROIX's growth compared to its pre-crisis levels 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
26 Aug 2021
17:45 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Chiffre d’affaires en hausse de 31,7% au 1er semestre confirmant la croissance de LACROIX par rapport à ses niveaux d’avant crise 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Income
26 Jul 2021
18:22 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix Group : A successful capital increase with pre-emptive subscription right maintained,raising €44.3 million. LACROIX on the way to achieve its 2025 ambitions. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Other financial transaction
26 Jul 2021
18:22 CEST
LACROIX GROUP Lacroix Group : Succès de l’augmentation de capital avec maintien du droit préférentiel de souscription d’un montant de 44,3 M€. LACROIX en ordre de marche pour atteindre ses ambitions 2025. 50202040 Electronic Equipment: Other Other financial transaction