Displaying 401 - 450 of 496 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
28 Jul 2022
09:35 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Publication of the Half-year Financial Report as of June 30, 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
28 Jul 2022
09:35 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Mise à disposition du Rapport financier semestriel au 30 juin 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
27 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Sustained Business and Earnings Growth in First-Half 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
27 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Croissance soutenue de l’activité et des résultats au 1er semestre 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
04 Jul 2022
18:22 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
04 Jul 2022
18:22 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
04 Jul 2022
18:12 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
04 Jul 2022
18:12 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Half-Year Liquidity Contract Statement 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
23 Jun 2022
12:19 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE finalise avec succès sa transaction de refinancement partiel Business Support Services Other financial transaction
23 Jun 2022
12:19 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE Successfully Completes Its Partial Refinancing Transaction Business Support Services Other financial transaction
20 Jun 2022
19:18 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE annonce le succès de son émission inaugurale d’obligations liées au développement durable (Sustainability-Linked Bonds) 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other financial transaction
20 Jun 2022
19:18 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE announces the success of its inaugural “Sustainability-Linked Bonds” issue 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other financial transaction
16 Jun 2022
11:04 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Announces a Bond Refinancing Transaction 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other financial transaction
16 Jun 2022
11:04 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance annonce une opération de refinancement obligataire 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other financial transaction
09 Jun 2022
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Recognized as a Leader in 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Customer Service BPO* 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
09 Jun 2022
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance figure parmi les leaders du Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ dans la catégorie Customer Service BPO* 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
03 Jun 2022
18:05 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 Jun 2022
18:05 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
30 May 2022
08:15 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Takes the Lead in the Metaverse and Strengthens Its Games Market Leadership 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
30 May 2022
08:15 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance se distingue dans le métavers et renforce son leadership sur le marché des jeux 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
25 May 2022
18:30 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Recognized as a Leader in Trust and Safety Content Moderation for Second Consecutive Year by Everest Group 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
25 May 2022
18:30 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance est reconnu comme un leader des services de modération de contenu pour la deuxième année consécutive par le cabinet Everest Group 50205020 Professional Business Support Services New
17 May 2022
18:55 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Déclaration individuelle* de cession d’actions par un dirigeant du groupe Teleperformance 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
17 May 2022
18:55 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Individual Disclosure* Relating to the Sale of Shares by an Executive of the Teleperformance Group 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
03 May 2022
17:59 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
03 May 2022
17:59 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
19 Apr 2022
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Croissance soutenue des activités au 1er trimestre 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
19 Apr 2022
17:45 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Sustained Growth in Business in First-Quarter 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
14 Apr 2022
20:20 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 14, 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
14 Apr 2022
20:20 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Assemblée Générale Mixte des actionnaires du 14 avril 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
04 Apr 2022
18:19 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance Partners with UNICEF in Support of Child Education and Global Disaster Relief 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Commercial operations
04 Apr 2022
18:19 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance s’associe à l’UNICEF pour soutenir l’éducation des enfants et contribuer au fonds d’urgence de l’agence dans le monde 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Commercial operations
01 Apr 2022
17:58 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
01 Apr 2022
17:58 CEST
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
14 Mar 2022
18:26 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 14, 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
14 Mar 2022
18:26 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Assemblée Générale Mixte du 14 avril 2022 50205020 Professional Business Support Services General meeting / Board Meeting
10 Mar 2022
21:39 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Disclosure of the Transactions Carried out by Teleperformance Group, Inc. on Teleperformance SE Shares 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
10 Mar 2022
21:39 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Transactions réalisées par Teleperformance Group, Inc. sur les actions Teleperformance SE 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
03 Mar 2022
21:29 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Transactions réalisées par Teleperformance Group Inc. sur les actions Teleperformance SE 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
03 Mar 2022
21:29 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Disclosure of the Transactions Carried out by Teleperformance Group Inc. on Teleperformance SE Shares 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
01 Mar 2022
18:51 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
01 Mar 2022
18:51 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
28 Feb 2022
18:20 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE : Dépôt du Document d’enregistrement universel 2021 incluant le rapport financier annuel 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
28 Feb 2022
18:20 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance SE: Filing of the 2021 Universal Registration Document including the annual financial report 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
24 Feb 2022
19:07 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Agreement between Teleperformance Group Inc. and Goldman Sachs International 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
24 Feb 2022
19:07 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Signature d’une convention entre Teleperformance Group Inc. (TGI) et Goldman Sachs International 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Other subject
17 Feb 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Record Growth in 2021: Growth in Revenue of +25.7% Like-for-like and in Net Profit Of +71.9% 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
17 Feb 2022
17:45 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Croissance record en 2021 : croissance du chiffre d’affaires + 25,7 % à données comparables et du résultat net part du groupe + 71,9 % 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Corporate life
07 Feb 2022
18:16 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance: Monthly Information Regarding Shares and Voting Rights 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history
07 Feb 2022
18:16 CET
TELEPERFORMANCE Teleperformance : Information mensuelle relative au nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote 50205020 Professional Business Support Services Share history