Displaying 1 - 50 of 189 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
10 Oct 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi launches the ATLAS 1.8GG, the densest server in the world designed exclusively for dual-phase immersion cooling 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
10 Oct 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi lance l’ATLAS 1.8GG, le serveur le plus dense au monde conçu exclusivement pour l'immersion biphasique 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
07 Oct 2024
11:05 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
07 Oct 2024
11:05 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital as of September 30, 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
09 Sep 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi wins another significant contract in immersion for European security 10101010 Computer Services Alliances and agreements, New, Other subject
09 Sep 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi remporte à nouveau un contrat important en immersion pour la sécurité européenne 10101010 Computer Services Alliances and agreements, New, Other subject
06 Sep 2024
16:18 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA:   Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital as of August 31, 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
06 Sep 2024
16:18 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA:   Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote Et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 août 2024   10101010 Computer Services Other subject
06 Sep 2024
09:45 CEST
2CRSI Correction d’un communiqué du 05.09.2024 17:45 CET/CEST - 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi annonce la production de ses nouveaux serveurs Godì 1.8ER-NV8 équipés de 8x GPU NVIDIA H200 SXM5, pour une valeur marchande estimée à 288 millions d’USD* 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
06 Sep 2024
09:45 CEST
2CRSI Correction of a release from 05.09.2024 17:45 CET/CEST - 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi announces the production of its new Godì 1.8ER-NV8 servers equipped with 8x NVIDIA H200 SXM5 GPUs, with an estimated market value of 288 million USD* 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
05 Sep 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi annonce la production de ses nouveaux serveurs Godì 1.8ER-NV8 équipés de 8x GPU NVIDIA H200 SXM5, pour une valeur marchande estimée à 288 millions d’USD* 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
05 Sep 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi announces the production of its new Godì 1.8ER-NV8 servers equipped with 8x NVIDIA H200 SXM5 GPUs, with an estimated market value of 288 million USD* 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
30 Aug 2024
23:00 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Point sur la revente de Boston Limited 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
30 Aug 2024
23:00 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Focus on the Sale of Boston Limited 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
19 Aug 2024
14:35 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA:   Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote Et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 juillet 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
19 Aug 2024
14:35 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital as of July 31, 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
25 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 220 Millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaires consolidés du 01/03/2023 au 30/06/2024 soit 16 mois. 10101010 Computer Services Sales
25 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 220 million Euros of Consolidated Revenue from 03/01/2023 to 06/30/2024, 16 months. 10101010 Computer Services Sales
23 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: A Strategic Partnership to Strengthen 2CRSI’s Presence in the Middle East 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
23 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Un partenariat stratégique pour renforcer la présence de 2CRSi au Moyen-Orient 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
16 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: BILAN SEMESTRIEL DU CONTRAT DE LIQUIDITE 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
08 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi names Daniel Ciz as the Director of Administrative and Financial Services 10101010 Computer Services Journal / appointments
08 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi nomme Daniel Ciz en tant que Directeur des Services Administratifs et Financiers 10101010 Computer Services Journal / appointments
01 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: A Strategic Partnership to Strengthen 2CRSI’s Presence in the UK 10101010 Computer Services Alliances and agreements, Other subject
01 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Un Partenariat Stratégique pour Renforcer la Présence de 2CRSI au Royaume-Uni 10101010 Computer Services Alliances and agreements, Other subject
14 Jun 2024
14:41 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital as of April 30, 2024 10101010 Computer Services Share history
14 Jun 2024
14:41 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote Et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 mai 2024 10101010 Computer Services Share history
07 May 2024
17:32 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote Et d’actions composant le capital social au 30 avril 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
07 May 2024
17:32 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Press Release   Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital as of April 30, 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
02 May 2024
17:46 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Upward revision of financial targets for fiscal year 2023-2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
02 May 2024
17:46 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Révision à la hausse des objectifs financiers                               pour l’exercice 2023-2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
22 Apr 2024
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi s'ouvre à un marché de plus 300 millions de CAD pour du 'Réuse' énergétique 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
22 Apr 2024
18:02 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi opens up to a market of over 300 million CAD for energy reuse. 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
04 Apr 2024
11:28 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital as of March 30, 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
04 Apr 2024
11:28 CEST
2CRSI 2CRSi SA:   Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote Et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 mars 2024   10101010 Computer Services Other subject
26 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: GTC Nvidia 2024 : Des relations renforcées avec Nvidia et une nouvelle vente pour des serveurs d’IA 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
26 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: GTC NVIDIA 2024: A stronger relationship with Nvidia and a new sale for AI servers 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
21 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
2CRSI Nouveau distributeur à Singapour 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
21 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
2CRSI New distributor for Singapore. 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
20 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi announces that its subsidiary 2CRSi UK Ltd T/A Tranquil IT has signed a contract for 500 + servers with one of its existing customers. 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
20 Mar 2024
17:45 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: annonce que sa filiale 2CRSi UK Ltd a signé un contrat, sous la marque Tranquil IT, pour plus de 500 serveurs avec l'un de ses clients récurrents. 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
14 Mar 2024
08:00 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi announces the large success of its €12 million fundraising 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
14 Mar 2024
08:00 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi annonce le large succès de sa levée de fonds d’un montant de 12 millions d’euros 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
13 Mar 2024
18:03 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi annonce le lancement d’une levée de fonds de 8 à 12 millions d'euros pour accélérer sa croissance sur le marché des serveurs pour l’Intelligence Artificielle 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
13 Mar 2024
18:03 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi announces the launch of a €8 to €12 million round of financing to accelerate its growth in the Artificial Intelligence server market 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
12 Mar 2024
14:26 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Information mensuelle relative au nombre total de droits de vote Et d’actions composant le capital social au 29 février 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
12 Mar 2024
14:26 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and shares comprising the share capital as of February 29, 2024 10101010 Computer Services Other subject
22 Feb 2024
08:41 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Publication de comptes consolidés à compter de l’exercice 2023-2024 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
22 Feb 2024
08:41 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: Publication of consolidated financial statements from fiscal year 2023-2024 10101010 Computer Services Other financial transaction, Other subject
21 Feb 2024
18:36 CET
2CRSI 2CRSi SA: 2CRSi annonce la signature d'un protocole d'accord d'une valeur de plus de12 millions d’USD sur 5 ans avec l'Agence de sécurité des TIC d'Afrique de l'Est 10101010 Computer Services Other subject