Displaying 1 - 50 of 153 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
18 Jul 2024
09:53 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Finansiell kalender 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
18 Jul 2024
09:53 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Financial calendar 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
26 Jun 2024
15:06 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
26 Jun 2024
15:03 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
13 Jun 2024
13:06 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Contracts with Equinor Energy AS for the PSV vessels Havila Clipper, Havila Fanø and Havila Herøy 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
13 Jun 2024
13:06 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Kontrakter er inngått med Equinor Energy AS for PSV fartøyene Havila Clipper, Havila Fanø og Havila Herøy 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
03 Jun 2024
09:00 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Forlengelse av kontrakt med Reach Subsea for IMR fartøyet Havila Subsea 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
03 Jun 2024
09:00 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Extension of contract with Reach Subsea for the IMR vessel Havila Subsea 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
23 May 2024
08:10 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i HAVI04 og HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
23 May 2024
08:10 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in HAVI04 and HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
21 May 2024
15:03 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Ordinær generalforsamling 2024 er avholdt 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
21 May 2024
15:03 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Annual General Meeting 2024 held 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
21 May 2024
14:53 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Regnskap for første kvartal 2024 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
21 May 2024
14:53 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: First quarter 2024 accounts 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
08:30 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Notice of Ordinary General Meeting 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Apr 2024
08:30 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Innkalling til Ordinær generalforsamling 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
19 Apr 2024
17:06 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Årsrapport 2023 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Årsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger
19 Apr 2024
17:06 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA : Annual Report 2023 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annual financial and audit Reports
25 Mar 2024
13:43 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
25 Mar 2024
13:43 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
04 Mar 2024
14:47 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i Havi04 og Havi07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
04 Mar 2024
14:47 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in Havi04 and Havi07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
04 Mar 2024
10:44 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Forlengelse av kontrakter for Havila Borg og Havila Fanø 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
04 Mar 2024
10:44 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Extended contracts for Havila Borg and Havila Fanø 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
27 Feb 2024
14:59 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Fourth quarter 2023 accounts 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
27 Feb 2024
14:59 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Regnskap for fjerde kvartal 2023 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
19 Jan 2024
16:25 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Financial calendar 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
19 Jan 2024
16:25 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Finansiell kalender 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
28 Dec 2023
09:00 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
28 Dec 2023
08:57 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
27 Nov 2023
13:12 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in HAVI04 and HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
27 Nov 2023
13:12 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i HAVI04 og HAVI 07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
23 Nov 2023
15:34 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Regnskap for tredje kvartal 2023 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
23 Nov 2023
15:34 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Third quarter 2023 accounts 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
02 Nov 2023
12:07 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Equinor Energy has extended the contract for the PSV Havila Charisma 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
02 Nov 2023
12:07 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Equinor Energy har forlenget kontrakten for PSV fartøyet Havila Charisma 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
31 Oct 2023
08:30 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Equinor Energy har forlenget kontrakten for PSV fartøyet Havila Foresight 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
31 Oct 2023
08:30 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Equinor Energy has extended the contract for the PSV Havila Foresight 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Oct 2023
08:53 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA:: Sale of vessels 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Oct 2023
08:53 CET
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Salg av fartøy 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
28 Sep 2023
13:50 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Rentefastsettelse 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
28 Sep 2023
13:50 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Interest Adjustment 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Renteregulering
01 Sep 2023
08:10 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Informasjon til obligasjonseiere i HAVI0 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
01 Sep 2023
08:10 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Information to bondholders in HAVI04 and HAVI07 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
01 Sep 2023
08:00 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Reach Subsea har utøvd ett års opsjon for Havila Subsea 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
01 Sep 2023
08:00 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Reach Subsea has exercised one year option for Havila Subsea 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State
30 Aug 2023
16:09 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Second quarter 2023 accounts 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Half yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited reviews
30 Aug 2023
16:09 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: Regnskap for andre kvartal 2023 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Halvårsrapporter og revisjonsberetninger / uttalelser om forenklet revisorkontroll
11 Jul 2023
12:16 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: OceanPact har forlenget leieavtalen av Havila Harmony met ett år 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Annen informasjonspliktig regulatorisk informasjon
11 Jul 2023
12:16 CEST
Havila Shipping ASA Havila Shipping ASA: OceanPact has extended the bareboat charter of Havila Harmony with one year 60101030 Oil Equipment and Services Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State