Displaying 51 - 100 of 154 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
07 Sep 2023
18:00 CEST
RUBIS Rubis : Mise à disposition du rapport financier semestriel 2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
07 Sep 2023
18:00 CEST
RUBIS Rubis: Availability of the 2023 half-year financial report 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
07 Sep 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS Rubis : Résultats du premier semestre 2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
07 Sep 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS Rubis: H1 2023 Results 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
31 Jul 2023
07:30 CEST
RUBIS Rubis: Nils Christian Bergene appointed Chairman of the Supervisory Board 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
31 Jul 2023
07:30 CEST
RUBIS Rubis: Nomination de M. Nils Christian Bergene en qualité de Président du Conseil de Surveillance 40401030 Specialty Retailers Journal / appointments
12 Jul 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Half-year statement on Rubis' liquidity agreement with Exane BNP Paribas 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
12 Jul 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de Rubis contracté avec la société Exane BNP Paribas 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
06 Jul 2023
07:30 CEST
RUBIS Rubis Photosol expands its activities in Europe 40401030 Specialty Retailers Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
06 Jul 2023
07:30 CEST
RUBIS Rubis Photosol étend ses activités en Europe 40401030 Specialty Retailers Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
26 Jun 2023
07:30 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Change en governance following Shareholders' Meeting of 8 June 2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
26 Jun 2023
07:30 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Évolution de la gouvernance suite à l'Assemblée Générale du 8 juin 2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
08 Jun 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Compte-rendu de l'Assemblée Générale Mixte du 8 juin 2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
08 Jun 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Minutes of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of 8 June 2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
02 Jun 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares as of 31/05/2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers Change in Capital, Share history
02 Jun 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS Rubis: Déclaration de capital et de droits de vote au 31/05/2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers Change in Capital, Share history
30 May 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Résultat de l’augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés du Groupe 40401030 Specialty Retailers Change in Capital, Share history
30 May 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Results from the capital increase reserved for Group employees 40401030 Specialty Retailers Change in Capital, Share history
04 May 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Activité du T1 2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
04 May 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Q1 2023 Trading update 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
02 May 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Assemblée Générale Mixte du 8 juin 2023 - Modalités de mise à disposition des documents préparatoires 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
02 May 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: 8 June 2023 Combined Shareholders' Meeting - Availability of the preparatory documents 40401030 Specialty Retailers General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Apr 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Mise à disposition du Document d'enregistrement universel 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers New, Other subject
28 Apr 2023
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Publication of the 2022 Universal Registration Document 40401030 Specialty Retailers New, Other subject
25 Apr 2023
08:00 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Rubis Photosol, Rubis Group subsidiary, announces the signing of its first syndicated corporate loan for an amount of €115 million 40401030 Specialty Retailers Corporate life
25 Apr 2023
08:00 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Rubis Photosol, filiale du groupe Rubis, annonce la signature de son premier crédit corporate syndiqué d’un montant de 115 M€ 40401030 Specialty Retailers Corporate life
16 Mar 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: FY 2022 Results: Strong operating performance, solid balance sheet and further increase in dividend 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
16 Mar 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Résultats annuels 2022 : bonne performance opérationnelle, bilan solide et dividende en augmentation 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
02 Mar 2023
17:35 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares as of 28/02/2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
02 Mar 2023
17:35 CET
RUBIS Rubis: Déclaration de capital et de droits de vote au 28/02/2023 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
10 Feb 2023
17:35 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Capital increase reserved for Group’s employees 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
10 Feb 2023
17:35 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés du Groupe 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
07 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Activité du T4 2022, volumes stables, solide progression de la marge brute 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
07 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Q4 2022 trading update, stable volumes, solid gross profit growth 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
02 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Leroy Merlin choisit Photosol, filiale du groupe Rubis, comme fournisseur d’électricité verte pour alimenter ses sites français 40401030 Specialty Retailers News contracts, Alliances and agreements
02 Feb 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Leroy Merlin chooses Photosol, a Rubis subsidiary, as green electricity supplier to power its French sites 40401030 Specialty Retailers News contracts, Alliances and agreements
06 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Half-year statement on Rubis' liquidity agreement with Exane BNP Paribas 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
06 Jan 2023
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de Rubis contracté avec la société Exane BNP Paribas 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
01 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares as of 30/11/2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Change in Capital
01 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Déclaration de capital et de droits de vote au 30/11/2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Change in Capital
17 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Rubis élargit son offre aux toitures photovoltaïques avec l’acquisition des actifs de Mobexi 40401030 Specialty Retailers Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
17 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Rubis expands its photovoltaic offering with the acquisition of Mobexi’s assets by Photosol 40401030 Specialty Retailers Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
08 Nov 2022
17:47 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Q3 2022 trading update: stable volumes, solid gross profit growth 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
08 Nov 2022
17:47 CET
RUBIS RUBIS: Activité du T3 2022 : volumes stables, bonne progression de la marge brute 40401030 Specialty Retailers Sales
03 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Déclaration de capital et de droits de vote au 30/09/2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
03 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Information relating to the total number of voting rights and shares as of 30/09/2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Share history
08 Sep 2022
18:00 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Availability of the 2022 half-year financial report 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
08 Sep 2022
18:00 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: Mise à disposition du Rapport financier semestriel 2022 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
08 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: S1 2022 : Forte croissance des résultats : + 20 % et bilan solide 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income
08 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
RUBIS RUBIS: H1 2022 results: Strong earnings growth: +20% and solid balance sheet 40401030 Specialty Retailers Income