Displaying 51 - 100 of 155 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
08 Mar 2024
18:15 CET
IMERYS Imerys-08-03-2024-consolidated-financial-statements-as-of-31-12-2023 55102000 General Mining Income
26 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
IMERYS imerys-26-02-2024-communique-capital-droits-de-vote-au-31-janvier-2024 55102000 General Mining Other subject
26 Feb 2024
18:00 CET
IMERYS imerys-26-february-2024-information-share-capital-and-voting-rights-as-of-31-january-2024 55102000 General Mining Other subject
21 Feb 2024
18:07 CET
IMERYS Imerys-communique-de-presse-resultats-2023-21-Fevrier-2024 55102000 General Mining Income
21 Feb 2024
18:07 CET
IMERYS Imerys-press-release-FY2023-results-21-February-2024 55102000 General Mining Income
31 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
IMERYS imerys-31-01-2024-communique-capital-droits-de-vote-au-31-décembre-2023 55102000 General Mining Other subject
31 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
IMERYS imerys-communiqué-31-janvier-2024-bilan-semestriel-du-contrat-de-liquidité-au-31-décembre-2023 55102000 General Mining Other subject
31 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
IMERYS imerys-31-january-2024-information-share-capital-and-voting-rights-as-of-31-december-2023 55102000 General Mining Other subject
21 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
IMERYS imerys-21-12-2023-communique-capital-droits-de-vote-au-30-novembre-2023 55102000 General Mining Other subject
21 Dec 2023
18:00 CET
IMERYS imerys-21-12-2023-information-share-capital-and-voting-rights-as-of-30-novembre-2023 55102000 General Mining Other subject
29 Nov 2023
17:55 CET
IMERYS Imerys communique de presse Sustainability-Linked Bond Novembre 2023 FR 55102000 General Mining Legal
29 Nov 2023
17:55 CET
IMERYS Imerys press release Sustainability-Linked Bond November 2023 EN 55102000 General Mining Legal
27 Nov 2023
17:50 CET
IMERYS imerys-27-11-2023-mise-à-disposition-d-un-prospectus 55102000 General Mining Corporate life
27 Nov 2023
17:50 CET
IMERYS imerys-27-11-2023-prospectus-release 55102000 General Mining Corporate life
17 Nov 2023
17:50 CET
IMERYS imerys-17-11-2023-information-share-capital-and-voting-rights-as-of-31-october-2023 55102000 General Mining Other subject
17 Nov 2023
17:50 CET
IMERYS imerys-17-11-2023-communique-capital-droits-de-vote-au-31-octobre-2023 55102000 General Mining Other subject
13 Nov 2023
17:50 CET
IMERYS Imerys-press-release-SBTi-validated-targets-Nov-11-2023 55102000 General Mining Legal
13 Nov 2023
17:50 CET
IMERYS Imerys-communique-presse-objectifs-SBTi-validés-Nov-13-2023 55102000 General Mining Legal
08 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
IMERYS imerys-press-release-share-capital-and-voting-rights-30-november-2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
08 Dec 2022
17:45 CET
IMERYS imerys-communique-capital-droits-de-vote-30-novembre-2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
07 Nov 2022
07:30 CET
IMERYS Imerys Press release CMD November 7,2022 55102000 General Mining Legal
07 Nov 2022
07:30 CET
IMERYS Imerys Communiqué de presse CMD 7 Novembre 2022 55102000 General Mining Legal
03 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
IMERYS imerys-communique-capital-droits-de-vote-31-octobre-2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
03 Nov 2022
17:45 CET
IMERYS imerys-press-release-share-capital-and-voting-rights-31-october-2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
02 Nov 2022
07:15 CET
IMERYS Imerys-communique-resultats-troisème-trimestre-2-novembre-2022 55102000 General Mining Share history
02 Nov 2022
07:15 CET
IMERYS Imerys-press-release-results-Q3-2-november-2022 55102000 General Mining Share history
24 Oct 2022
07:45 CEST
IMERYS Communique Imerys projet lithium Emili 24 octobre 2022 55102000 General Mining Legal
24 Oct 2022
07:45 CEST
IMERYS Press-release-Imerys-lithium-project-Emili-24-october-2022 55102000 General Mining Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
07 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Nombre d’actions composant le capital social et nombre de droits de vote au 30 septembre 2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
07 Oct 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Number of outstanding shares and voting rights as of 30 September 2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
13 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS imerys-press-release-share-capital-and-voting-rights-31-august-2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
13 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS imerys-communique-capital-droits-de-vote-31-aout-2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
12 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Imerys press release 12-09-2022 shares buyback from 05-09 to 09-09-2022 included 55102000 General Mining Other subject
12 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Imerys communiqué 12-09-2022 rachat d actions du 05-09 au 09-09-2022 inclus 55102000 General Mining Other subject
09 Sep 2022
07:00 CEST
IMERYS Imerys - Sale of paper assets - September 9th, 2022 55102000 General Mining Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
09 Sep 2022
07:00 CEST
IMERYS Imerys - Cession des actifs Papiers - 9 septembre 2022 55102000 General Mining Mergers, Acquiqitions, Transferts
05 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Imerys press release 05-09-2022 shares buyback from 29-08 to 02-09-2022 included 55102000 General Mining Other subject
05 Sep 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Imerys communiqué 05-09-2022 rachat d actions du 29-08 au 02-09-2022 inclus 55102000 General Mining Other subject
29 Aug 2022
18:00 CEST
IMERYS Imerys communiqué 29-08-2022 rachat d\'actions du 22-08 au 26-08-2022 inclus 55102000 General Mining Other subject
29 Aug 2022
18:00 CEST
IMERYS Imerys press release 29-08-2022 shares buyback from 22-08 to 26-08-2022 included 55102000 General Mining Other subject
04 Aug 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Imerys_communiqué K et DV au 31_07_2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
04 Aug 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS Imerys press release share capital and voting rights as of 31_07_2022 55102000 General Mining Other subject
01 Aug 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS imerys-communiqué-01-08-2022-rachat-d-actions-du-25-07-au-29-07-2022-inclus 55102000 General Mining Other subject
01 Aug 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS imerys-press-release-01-08-2022-shares-buyback-from-25-07-to-29-07-2022-included 55102000 General Mining Other subject
28 Jul 2022
17:47 CEST
IMERYS Imerys-communique-resultats-premier-semestre-28-juillet-2022 55102000 General Mining General meeting / Board Meeting
28 Jul 2022
17:47 CEST
IMERYS Imerys-press-release-first-half-results-28-July-2022 55102000 General Mining General meeting / Board Meeting
25 Jul 2022
17:50 CEST
IMERYS imerys-press-release-25-07-2022-shares-buyback-from-18-07-to-22-07-2022-included 55102000 General Mining Other subject
25 Jul 2022
17:50 CEST
IMERYS imerys-communiqué-25-07-2022-rachat-d-actions-du-18-07-au-22-07-2022-inclus 55102000 General Mining Other subject
18 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS imerys-press-release-18-07-2022-shares-buyback-from-11-07-to-15-07-2022-included-final 55102000 General Mining Other subject
18 Jul 2022
17:45 CEST
IMERYS imerys-communiqué-18-07-2022-rachat-d-actions-du-11-07-au-15-07-2022-inclus-final 55102000 General Mining Other subject