06 Sep 2024 10:30 CEST


B2 Impact ASA

Oslo, 6 September 2024:
All capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in
the bond terms dated 21 September 2022 for the above mentioned Bond Issue.

The Maturity Date for the Bond Issue under the Bond Terms is 22 September

B2 Impact ASA (the "Issuer") has informed Nordic Trustee AS (the "Bond
Trustee") that they wish to exercise the Call Option and redeem all
Outstanding Bonds at a price equal to 103.96 % of the Face Value plus accrued
and unpaid interests on the redeemed amount pursuant to Clause 11.2.1 (Call
Option) of the Bond Terms.

The settlement date for the Call Option will be on the First Call Date, being
23 September 2024.

For further information and information relating to the exercise of the Call
Option etc. reference is made to the attached notice from Nordic Trustee AS.

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the
continuing obligations.

For further information, please contact:

Rasmus Hansson, Head of Investor Relations and M&A
Mobile: +47 952 55 842
E-mail: rasmus.hansson@b2-impact.com


André Adolfsen, CFO
Mobile: +47 930 19 150
E-mail: andre.adolfsen@b2-impact.com

This release was distributed by Rasmus Hansson, Head of Investor Relations and

About B2 Impact

B2 Impact ASA is one of the leading pan-European debt management companies. B2
Impact offers solutions to the challenges created by defaulted loans, and
provide liquidity to financial institutions, contributing to a healthier
financial system. B2 Impact promote lasting financial improvement through
transparent and ethical debt management. The Company was founded in 2011 and
employs around 1,550 people. B2 Impact ASA is headquartered in Oslo, Norway
and the B2 Impact share is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker
"B2I". For further information, visit www.b2-impact.com

This information is subject to disclosure under the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act, §5-12. The information was submitted for publication at
2024-09-06 10:30 CEST.

627192_NO0012704107 B2 Impact ASA Call Information Letter 20240906.pdf
627192_B2 Impact ASA- Exercise of Call Option pursuant to Bond Terms in ISIN NO0012704107 EUR FRN SENIOR UNSECURED BOND ISSUE 2022-2026 (B2H06).pdf


B2 Impact ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

B2 Impact ASA, B2Holding ASA 22/26 FRN EUR FLOOR C, B2 Impact ASA 22/26 FRN EUR FLOOR C


NO0010633951, NO0012704107, NO0013138966




Oslo Børs