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My ESG profile

ESG indicators for Equities

Over 60,000 ESG data points available

Euronext provides a comprehensive set of ESG performance indicators for 1,900 listed companies.
You will find ESG information for listed companies in a dedicated tab on the instrument/quote pages.

Beware of fake Euronext profiles on social media


Beware of fake Euronext profiles on social media

Euronext is committed to ensuring transparency and integrity in financial markets. Recently, we have noticed an increase in fake profiles using our name to lure investors, promising easy gains or offering trading services via social networks. 

Esplora la nostra offerta di prodotti

La nostra offerta di prodotti comprende azioni, ETF, warrant e certificati, obbligazioni, derivati, materie prime e indici

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Aggiornato 27/03/2025 - 02:16 CET

Indici principali

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Derivati su Indici più attivi

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Taking part in sustainable finance should be accessible to all
ESG Indices

ESG Indices

We are proud to provide ESG versions of our flagship national indices, starting with the CAC 40 ESG, MIB ESG, AEX ESG and OBX ESG.

Euronext ESG indices serve as a benchmark for investors to incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance considerations into their investment strategies

My ESG profile

ESG indicators for Equities

Over 60,000 ESG data points available

Euronext provides a comprehensive set of ESG performance indicators for 1,900 listed companies.
You will find ESG information for listed companies in a dedicated tab on the instrument/quote pages.

Euronext Sustainable Network

Sustainable finance

Learn more about our sustainable partners and find articles and backgrounds on Sustainable finance.