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- Hawk Infinity Software AS – Agreement On Acquisition
Hawk Infinity Software AS – Agreement on Acquisition
19 Feb 2025 07:23 CET
Hawk Infinity Software AS
Hawk Infinity Software AS (“HIS”) has entered into an agreement for the
acquisition of 100% of Baze Technology AS (“Baze”).
Baze is a software company providing BazePort, a specialized advanced
infotainment solution to the maritime-, hotel- and hospitality industries.
BazePort is the leading infotainment system in the maritime sector with more
than 1275 installations installed globally. Founded in 2007, the company is
based in Porsgrunn, Norway, with an organisation that has proven scalability and
a unique business culture.
Baze has a solid financial track-record with more than a decade of profitable
growth and LTM revenues of NOK 153.4 million and LTM EBITDA of NOK 42.6 million.
The acquisition is closed at an upfront Enterprise Value of NOK 360 million.
Additional contingent consideration will be granted if certain relatively
ambitious free cash flow growth targets are met over the coming years.
The acquisition will be funded by available liquidity, release from the escrow
account and an equity issue in HIS towards Hawk Infinity AS.
For further information please contact:
Joakim Stavnes Karlsen
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +47 483 88 583
E-mail: jk@hawk.no
Lars Fredrik Revling
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +47 412 22 772
E-mail: lr@hawk.no
More information:
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Hawk Infinity Software AS
Oslo Børs Newspoint
Company Name
Hawk Infinity Softw AS 23/28 FRN FLOOR C
Oslo Børs