13 Sep 2024 14:27 CEST


Cambi ASA

Copenhagen, Denmark, 13 September 2024

Cambi proudly announces the official inauguration ceremony for Denmark's most
modern thermal hydrolysis process (THP) plant at BIOFOS' Damhusåen wastewater
treatment facility. The new facility will make Copenhagen's gas network nearly
self-sufficient with locally produced, sustainable biogas.

BIOFOS, Denmark's largest wastewater company, manages the treatment and resource
recovery from wastewater in the Greater Copenhagen area. The new THP facility,
designed, delivered and installed by Cambi, will process the secondary solids at
Damhusåen, significantly increasing biogas production. The THP process enhances
the breakdown of organic material, making it more accessible to microorganisms
that convert it into biogas and increasing the facility's treatment capacity.

Per Audun Lillebø, CEO of Cambi, emphasises the project's environmental and
operational benefits: "The THP facility allows for increased solids processing
capacity and improves the plant's energy balance by increasing biogas production
and improving energy efficiency, all without the need for constructing
additional conventional digesters. The project supports Copenhagen's goal of
achieving CO2 neutrality and reducing wastewater treatment's environmental

The THP system will enable BIOFOS to handle the growing volumes of wastewater
and sludge anticipated through 2045 as the Greater Copenhagen area expands. This
increase in capacity is especially vital in the context of more frequent and
intense rainfall events caused by climate change.

John Buur Christensen, CEO of BIOFOS, is excited about the new installation:
"The THP facility will allow us to increase the volume of solids we can process
in each digester. This way, we can renovate our ageing infrastructure without
interruptions in operation. Ultimately, we expect our biogas to contribute to
making Copenhagen's gas supply fully CO2-neutral."

Preliminary results from the new THP system are already promising. BIOFOS is
seeing a reduction in the amount of sludge transported for incineration, cutting
down on the number of daily truck trips. The full integration of the plant is
expected within the next month, with the first of BIOFOS' four digesters
scheduled for renovation by mid-October. The entire renovation of the
80-year-old digesters is set to be completed by 2027.

For more information, please contact:
Norman Weisz, Regional Manager Nordics, norman.weisz@cambi.com, +47 904 74 194

About Cambi:

Cambi is a global biogas technology and solutions supplier for wastewater
treatment plants and anaerobic digestion facilities. Since 1992, Cambi has
retained market leadership through continuous innovation and a robust portfolio
of proven and patented technologies. With strong project delivery and customer
support capabilities, the company has delivered many well-performing
installations in 27 countries on six continents.

Cambi's thermal hydrolysis process increases renewable energy output, reduces
operational costs, and minimises greenhouse gas emissions. It is suitable for
all biosolids outlets, including land application and thermal processes such as
drying, pyrolysis, and incineration. Thermal hydrolysis is compatible with all
sludge and waste treatment regulations and easy to integrate at new and existing
anaerobic digestion sites.

Cambi is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo, a multilateral trading facility in
Euronext, Europe's largest stock exchange platform. Find out more at cambi.com.


BIOFOS is Denmark's largest wastewater utility, serving 1.2 million inhabitants
in Copenhagen. Operating three major treatment plants – Lynetten, Avedøre, and
Damhusåen – BIOFOS is committed to efficiently treating wastewater while
recovering valuable resources. Through our innovative processes, we produce
climate-friendly energy in the form of electricity, biogas, and district
heating, contributing to a more sustainable future.

In addition to our core operations, BIOFOS is dedicated to environmental
education. Our active education program teaches schoolchildren about wastewater
management, environmental protection, and sustainable energy each year. For more
information, visit biofos.dk.

627759_2024.09.13 - Press Release - Opening ceremony of the new Cambi THP system at Damhusåen.pdf


Cambi ASA


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