07 Mar 2023 22:17 CET


Lumi Gruppen AS

The following primary insiders were allocated Offer Shares in the Private
Placement completed on 7 March 2023.

Visento AS (close associate of primary insider and Chair Helge Midttun) was
allocated 80 000 Offer Shares and will upon issuance of these shares own 533 270
shares in the Company.

CEO Erik Brandt was allocated 9 524 Offer Shares and will upon issuance of these
shares own 979 502 shares in the Company.

CFO Martin Prytz was allocated 6 667 Offer Shares and will upon issuance of
these shares own 21 311 shares in the Company.

Man. Dir. in Sonans Marit Aamold Trysnes was allocated 1 905 Offer Shares and
will upon issuance of these shares own 175 295 shares in the Company.

HR Director Line Lunde was allocated 2 381 Offer Shares and will upon issuance
of these shares own 155 246 shares in the Company.

The required primary insider notification forms are attached to this message.

About Lumi: Lumi Gruppen is a leading Norwegian education provider founded in
1989. Today, Lumi Gruppen consists of two main divisions: Sonans and Oslo Nye
Høyskole. Sonans is the market leader in Norway within private candidate exam
preparation courses, and Oslo Nye Høyskole offers high quality bachelor’s
degrees within health, social sciences, psychology and business and
administration, both on campus and online.

This information is subject to disclosure under the Norwegian Securities Act
section §5-12.

584513_Melding om handel - primærinnsider 0323_HM.pdf
584513_Melding om handel - primærinnsider 0323_MP.pdf
584513_Melding om handel - primærinnsider 0323_EB.pdf
584513_Melding om handel - primærinnsider 0323_MA.pdf
584513_Melding om handel - primærinnsider 0323_LL.pdf


Lumi Gruppen AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth