13 Feb 2023 15:54 CET

GLX Holding AS has today notified Nordic Trustee AS of the exercise of its call
option for the remaining outstanding bonds in the bond issue "GLX Holding AS NOK
2,000,000,000 FRN Senior Secured Callable Bond Issue 2017/2023" (GLX01/ISIN NO
001 0812092) with original maturity date 8 December 2023, and each Bondholder is
hereby given notice thereof.

The exercise of the call option is conditional upon certain conditions as set
out in the Call Option Notice being satisfied or waived no later than by 23
February 2023.

Subject to satisfaction of the aforementioned conditions by no later than 23
February 2023, the entire bond issue will be repaid at 100.00% of the Nominal
Amount (plus accrued and unpaid interests on the redeemed amount), with
settlement date 28 February 2023 (being the date falling 11 Business Days after
the date of the Call Option Notice).

For information relating to the exercise of the Call Option etc. reference is
made to the attached notice from Nordic Trustee AS.

For further information, please contact:
Kjetil Østvold, Head of Investor Relations & Analysis
Mobile: +47 468 63 004
E-mail: Kjetil.ostvold@glamox.com or ir_glx@glamox.com

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

About Glamox
Glamox AS is a leading lighting company that provides quality energy-efficient
lighting for professional buildings in Europe and to the world’s marine,
offshore and wind markets. Our mission is to provide sustainable lighting
solutions that improve the performance and well-being of people. We are
committed to achieving Net Zero operations by 2030.

Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, Glamox AS is privately owned by Triton and
Fondsavanse. Glamox AS is a subsidiary of GLX Holding AS, which has a stock
exchange-listed bond (ticker: GLX). Glamox AS employs around 2,200
professionals, with sales and production in Europe, Asia, and North America. In
2022, its annual revenues were NOK 3,772 million. It owns a range of quality
lighting brands, including Glamox, Aqua Signal, ES-SYSTEM, Küttel, LINKSrechts,
LiteIP, Luminell, Luxo, Luxonic, Norselight, and Wasco. For more information,
please see www.glamox.com

582223_Notice from Nordic Trustee.pdf


GLX Holding


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

GLX Holding AS 17/23 FRN C




Oslo Børs