13 Jan 2023 08:00 CET


Norlandia Health & Care Group

Norlandia Health & Care Group AS (the “Company”) has mandated ABG Sundal Collier
ASA and Pareto Securities AS to arrange a series of fixed income investor
meetings commencing 13 January 2023. A subsequent SEK and/or NOK bond issue
equivalent to NOK 522m under the Company’s existing senior secured bond
framework with ISINs NO0010997927 or NO0010997943 may follow, subject to inter
alia market conditions. The net proceeds from the contemplated subsequent bond
issue will be utilized to partly finance the acquisition of Frösunda Omsorg AB
(“Frösunda”) including its parent company Brado AB (“Brado”) (and repayment of
Brado’s two outstanding bonds).

Contact persons:
Yngvar Tov Herbjørnssønn (CEO): +47 91 83 71 89
Roger Larsen (CFO): +47 90 63 73 29
Anders Belsvik (Investor Relations): +47 97 76 11 23

580117_NHC - Stock Exchange Notice.pdf


Norlandia Health & Care Group AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Norlandia Health AS 21/25 FRN SEK FLOOR C, Norlandia Health AS 21/25 FRN FLOOR C


NO0010997943, NO0010997927


Oslo Børs