29 Dec 2022 16:07 CET


Arctic Fish Holding AS

After Mowi´s completion of the acquisition of the 51,28% of shares in Arctic
Fish, the new majority shareholder has called for an Extraordinary General
Meeting with the agenda of electing new board members, as proposed in the
The proposal is to replace Bjorn Kleven and Charles Høstlund as board members,
to be replaced by Ivan Vindheim and Øyvind Oaland. Other board members that will
continue as board members were elected at the EGM on the 18th of July 2022 are
Svein Sivertsen, Hildur Arnadottir, and Gunnthor Ingvason.
New board members are elected until the general meeting 2024 with the same
period as the board members that will continue in the board.
The extraordinary general meeting of Arctic Fish Holding AS will be held on 6
January 2023 at 14:00 hours (CET). The notice of the extraordinary general
meeting is attached, and all relevant documents can be found at
The annual general meeting will be held electronically through Microsoft Teams.
To participate virtually, please use the following link to sign up for the
meeting: www.arcticfish.is/sign-up/.
Required information for access to the electronic meeting is attendee name,
shareholder, email, and number of shares. Shareholders who wish to virtually
attend the extraordinary general meeting with a proxy have to register this no
later than 5 January 2023 at 16:00 hours (CET) through the form presented on the
website as described above.
For further information, please contact:
CFO Neil Shiran Thorisson, +354 8315300
Arctic Fish in brief
Arctic Fish (AFISH) has 27 100 tonnes of Maximum Allowed Biomass licenses (MAB)
to farm salmon and trout. The licenses are in the Westfjords of Iceland. Out of
the total license volume, 5,300 tonnes are for trout, which are not currently
being utilized and will be converted to salmon licenses in the ongoing
application process. Arctic Fish is one of the leading salmon farmers in Iceland
and has an attractive and sustainable setup of licenses with active licenses in
4 fjords and applications being finalized in one additional fjord that can bring
the total volume up to 31,900 tonnes in the coming years. The company owns a
state-of-the-art RAS hatching and smolt production that is the foundation of the
operations. Further investments are being made in smolt production and
harvesting that will contribute to the future growth of the company.

579349_Appendix 1.pdf
579349_Appendix 2.pdf
579349_Appendix 3.pdf


Arctic Fish Holding AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Euronext Growth