05 Dec 2022 16:21 CET


Webstep ASA

Oslo, 5 December 2022: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement
published by Webstep ASA (the "Company") on 21 November 2022, regarding the
offer of shares to employees in the Company and its subsidiary Webstep AS who
reside in Norway under a share purchase programme (the "Offer"). The deadline
for acceptance of the Offer expired today, on 5 December 2022, at 12:00 hours
(CET) (the "Acceptance Date").

The offer price for the shares in the Offer has been set to NOK 21.39 (the
"Offer Price"). The Offer Price equals the volume weighted average share price
for the Company's shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange during the 10 trading days
prior to (but not including) the Acceptance Date, less a reduction of 15%. Any
shares acquired in the Offer will be subject to a lock-up period of two years,
and the reduced offer price shall reflect the value-reducing effect of the lock
-up period.

Based on the applications received, the board of directors of the Company has
allocated a total of 166,850 shares to the participants in the Offer.

Furthermore, the board of directors has, on the basis of an authorisation
granted to it by the extraordinary general meeting held on 23 November 2021,
resolved to increase the share capital of the Company with NOK 166,850, by
issuance of 166,850 new shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 1.00, at a
subscription price equal to the Offer Price.

Following registration of the share capital increase pertaining to the Offer
with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (Nw. Foretaksregisteret),
the new share capital of the Company will be NOK 27,628,498, divided into
27,628,498 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 1.00.

Contact details for further information:

Truls Oftedal Ellingsen, Interim CFO

Cell: +47 928 03 031

Email: ir@webstep.com

Website: www.webstep.com

Webstep ASA is a provider of consultancy services to the private and public
sector, with the IT expertise necessary to deliver the most demanding
digitalisation and IT services. The Webstep Group employs approximately 530
employees in Norway and Sweden. The company offers its services to more than 250
customers annually and has been recognised for its work environment.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5
-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



Webstep ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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