28 Nov 2022 15:59 CET


Capsol Technologies ASA

Oslo, Norway - 28 November 2022

Einar Christen Lange, board member and primary insider at CO2 Capsol AS (the
“Company”), has on 28 November 2022 transferred 353 980 shares in the Company
from Einar Lange AS to Engelsviken Fryseri AS at a price of NOK 11.46 per share.
The price is set equal to the closing price on the previous day of trading.

This transaction does not affect Einar Lange’s total holding of shares in the
Company, and he continues to hold the same number of shares in CO2 Capsol AS as
previously, with the following ownership structure:

(i) 9 822 665 shares in CO2 Capsol AS, through his wholly-owned company
Rederiaktieselskapet Skrim

(ii) 1 143 891 shares in CO2 Capsol AS, through his wholly-owned company
Engelsviken Fryseri AS

(iii) 141 090 shares in CO2 Capsol AS, through his wholly-owned company Einar
Lange AS

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in Regulation EU
596/2014 article 19 number 3 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act § 5-12.

For further information, please contact:

Ingar Bergh
CFO, CO2 Capsol AS
+47 926 20 330

About CO2 Capsol

CO2 Capsol is a carbon capture technology provider with a goal to accelerate the
transition to a carbon negative future. The company’s energy efficient, cost
competitive and environmentally friendly solution is licensed out either
directly to customers or through industrial partners globally. Key target
segments include cement, biomass, energy-from-waste, power generation and large
industrial. CO2 Capsol is listed on Euronext Growth Oslo, Norway (ticker:
CAPSL). For more information visit co2capsol.com.

576855_CO2 Capsol - Share transfer - 281122.pdf
576855_Skjema for melding om transaksjoner utført av personer med ledelsesansvar («primærinnsidere») og deres nærsta°ende (KRT-1500).pdf


CO2 Capsol AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth