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General Information

Type Stock
Sub type Ordinary Shares
Market Euronext Milan
ISIN Code IT0003549422
Euronext Code NSCIT00INSL0

Classification Financial Instrument

E = Equities
S = Common/ordinary shares
V = Voting
U = Free
F = Fully paid
M = Others (miscellaneous)


Industry 40, Consumer Discretionary
SuperSector 4020, Consumer Products and Services
Sector 402030, Leisure Goods
Subsector 40203055, Recreational Vehicles and Boats

Trading Information

Trading currency EUR
Quantity notation Number of units
Admitted shares 35,542,472
Trading group 3E
Trading type Continuous
Tick size Index 22
Closing Price type Closing Uncrossing Price – VWAP

Trading Information

Personal equity saving plan : Eligible to PEA

Deferred Settlement Service : Instrument neither eligible for the SRD, nor eligible for the Loan and Lending Market

Compartment A (Large Cap)

IPO date 10 Dec 2019

Closing Price type Closing Uncrossing Price – VWAP