General Information
Type | Stock |
Sub type | Ordinary Shares |
Market | Euronext Paris |
ISIN Code | FR001400UEY9 |
Euronext Code | FR001400UEY9 |
Classification Financial Instrument
E = Equities |
S = Common/ordinary shares |
V = Voting |
U = Free |
F = Fully paid |
Industry | 20, Health Care |
SuperSector | 2010, Health Care |
Sector | 201030, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology |
Subsector | 20103015, Pharmaceuticals |
Trading Information
Trading currency | EUR |
Quantity notation | Number of units |
Admitted shares | 10,000 |
Trading group | FP |
Trading type | Continuous |
Tick size | Index 25 |
Closing Price type | Last Traded Price (LTP) |
Trading Information
Personal equity saving plan : Not provided
Deferred Settlement Service : Instrument neither eligible for the SRD, nor eligible for the Loan and Lending Market
Closing Price type Last Traded Price (LTP)