• CAC 40® ESG Index Future

    Combining economic performance with Environmental, Social and Governance objectives.
    • Trade a future contract based on Euronext’s first national ESG benchmark (derived from the CAC 40®…
    #Products & Services
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    Inflação: que novos desafios para os gestores?

    No dia 25 de Maio, a Euronext Lisbon levou a cabo um encontro com algumas das maiores empresas portuguesas, com o objetivo de refletirem, em conjunto, sobre o atual contexto económico, e como…

    #Iniciativas e promoção
  • ENX_Bid-&-Ask-Index_Thumbnail-[EN]_260922.jpg

    What is an index?

    What is a market index and how to invest in it?

    Fabrice Rahmouni, Head of Indices at Euronext, explains what is an index, how indices are used and how to invest in them.

    What is an index?

    #Bid & Ask videos
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    Novo Guia de Reporte ESG

    A Euronext acaba de lançar uma nova edição do seu "ESG Reporting Guide”, concebido para guiar as empresas nas suas práticas de mitigação das alterações climáticas, com o apoio dos seus…

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    ESG Reporting: the new Guide for issuers

    On 12 May 2022 Euronext announced the new edition of its ESG Reporting Guide. The guide is designed to help companies engage in climate change mitigation policies with the…

    #News & Insights
  • ESG 80 Derivatives

    The Euronext® Eurozone ESG 80 index shows the performance of 80 large cap companies in the Eurozone selected for their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and energy transition performance… #Products & Services
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    Fit For 1.5°: How Euronext joined the Race To Zero

    ESG investing saw another year of extraordinary growth in 2021, fuelled by a range of factors. The world witnessed increasingly common extreme weather events, including Madrid’s heaviest snowfall…

    #News & Insights
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    Obrigações FC Porto SAD

    Aceda aqui ao resultado da Oferta de Subscrição de Obrigações "FC Porto SAD 2022-2025" e da Oferta de Troca de Obrigações "FC Porto SAD 2021-2023".

    Apresentação neste link:

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    Admissibilidade em Portugal de SPAC

    A Euronext congratula-se com a publicação do entendimento da CMVM relativamente à admissibilidade em Portugal de SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies), o qual esclarece,…

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    ESG maturity of SMEs

    Euronext presented the results of its new ESG questionnaire highlighting that issuers are on their way to ESG maturity, but need support in key areas.

    In March 2022, Anthony Attia, Global…

    #News & Insights
  • ENX_News-Insights_Web-Banner-050422.png

    Euronext's transformation

    From the first 17th century marketplace to providing tomorrow's sustainable growth products, Euronext has been financing the real economy for over 400 years.

    Over 20 years ago, Euronext’s…

    #News & Insights
  • TD30-Web-Fabrizio-Testa3.2.jpg

    Fixed Income Trading

    Fabrizio Testa, Head of Fixed Income Trading at Euronext shares his views with The Desk on European fixed income and how the company plans to support the market with a harmonised offering and…

    #News & Insights
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    Euronext Technologies celebra 5 anos

    Euronext Technologies –  O coração tecnológico da Euronext bate a partir do Porto, há 5 anos, 24/7

    Há 5 anos começava a desenhar-se a história daquele que viria a ser…

    #Iniciativas e promoção
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    Dia Internacional das Mulheres

    Por ocasião do Dia Internacional das Mulheres, a Euronext e a UN Global Compact Portugal voltaram a juntar-se para o Toque do Sino pela Igualdade de Género, seguido do painel de…

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    Launch of Euronext Tech Leaders

    Launch of the Euronext Tech Leaders at Scale-Up Europe on 8 February 2022: building an inter-connected financial ecosystem to finance high-growth Tech champions

    Roundtable with…

    #News & Insights
  • ENX_Bid-&-Ask-BOB_Thumbnail-[EN]_260922.jpg

    What is Best of Book?

    What is Best of Book and how does it work?

    Roland Prevot, Head of Retail Cash Equity at Euronext, explains what is Best of Book, how does it work and the advantages for retail investors.

    #Bid & Ask videos
  • whistleblowing.PNG

    Webinar Whistleblowing

    Whistleblowing – Desafios na implementação

    A Euronext Lisbon, em colaboração com a Deloitte Portugal, e a AEM – Associação de…

    #Iniciativas e promoção
  • IU10.jpg

    O que queremos para 2022?

    O ano de 2021 termina com um contexto político marcado pela descontinuidade, em face da realização de eleições antecipadas em janeiro. Esta “paragem” é uma oportunidade para refletir: que…
